out of Context – ‘…because of the matters of fact and levels of decay that leaves a crust over everything Here dust of dead skin cells swirling loosely across the plains in a painful recollection of detail certain that is where we will return once tired of the physical burn driving madness into our hearts, objecting to our happiness or sweeter moments as it objectifies the memories to distort and betray the personal honesty that tries to display itself in a saving grace meant to replace the negative feelings one cannot escape but can make friends with instead of an all or nothing readiness to view what variables with vicious criticism interpreting the fragile dance as a waste of time and effort aside from the sacrifice made to be accepted in a hostile environment where illusions abound…’
‘…cause the enemies crossfire to glide over my position to give me away now into feeding for slow advancement this desert of the real with my primal substance unless the minds were Here to grow a better future than this odd scene engaged with iconic pressures from dystonic imagery twisting our bodies and mind in particular ways to peculiar behaviors and mannerisms that hide our rotting corpses a little bit longer as the flame of the soul melts the individual from within candles flaring, spontaneous combustion trying to be randomly exciting igniting confusion for our saturated egos are digesting one detail after the other in collection to attain a prominent place relating us to the songs we sing to dance to laugh to know we exist Here at all is divinity…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…vibrantly ignorant of any obvious signs of decay that may occur due to the corrosive essence of corrupting pollution as lingering dark cloud over all proceedings whose acidic reigns have protected some and projected onto others but always leaks toxicity, perhaps much like a fountain wished into with such fervor and innocent joy that superstitions don’t mature they get traded in for larger vaguer more vacant corridors where fears act to swarm in uniform voice to subdue the victim much as any other subtly insidious sacrifice arranged to suspend disbelief that it could ever happen to them instead hearing the stories as though they were not also warnings used to trigger actual experiences without summoning sickness and disease to replenish the supply of bodies devoured by crooked anonymity…’
‘…communication that doesn’t fit or hit some animalistic core of the corporeal forms carrying these attitudes wherever willing to go as aspects of self encountered when least expecting of something other upon the ephemeral periphery correlating perhaps to a sunset on the horizon cheapened cliches as beautiful art over the ages we have lived and keep living surging ahead through heavy meditations contemplating this machine and how it moves vacillating a stark contrast between efficiency and sheer mayhem causing mutations of variables to extend Here in intimate immediacy of moments as they inevitably pass, through us plunging the depths where we never crept until beckoned by the spirit that shades the indefinable labelled as a soul leading us to understand less through blind acceptance than a thorough embrace of all things we cannot control…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…enough to see money murder everybody except those with enough of a something to receive the honor of a forewarning or fair treatment after being flung into the pit obsessed with the horrid details as they encapsulate the universal terror into randomized sound bits whose echoes constantly bounce off the walls to conflict and contradict one another against each other further making this chaos recycling constants perceived to generate sequences without immediate remedy too frequently that it leaves its own scars floating in the Out There as unseen whip of ether snapping inside of our minds… triggering hideous effects on the general populace handicapping our urge for flinging affairs of a serene nature that we idealized so much because it is a territory outside the human heart where external forces push and tug us around…’
‘…by those who think of themselves as truer authorities doing a favor for the future to succumb to a comforting sense of assured stability in spite of the formula for mutually assured destruction bleakly housed inside our hearts and souls by what somesuch decree exceeding degrees between venom and virtue whether or not to sting through critical sways of point viewing others less than themselves and their equivalent ignorance with rage and tendencies of arguing not debate, rarely as charismatic as they think upon soiled social trains of thought going nowhere fast enough to choke on the miasma of their brain fog denying justice from them as others amongst us with ulterior motives try to command the general narrative memory in order to bleach out the bad guy from their present actions of persona…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…to be archived until registered later on in from the brain it recalls such recalcitrant details pulled out of stubborn depths that place such pieces in abstract as like any other cargo cult floating out there amid the debris of a holy see where we happen to fall into which category gorily describes the real atmosphere that tests us best as individuals instead of primal tribal group dynamics that calls out flaws without regards to who is being addressed and to what pejoratives are utilized to regale others in the anecdotal evidence, to what occurred in first person terms that may confuse the mere passerby to the struggle that unfolds as disease spreading in the streets being what we have to work with overextending delight by leaps and bounds of day and year…’
‘…society summoning more cannon fodder from anonymous fathers and mothers denying the role biology thrust upon them that participates or feel the full pressure of relatives and family members to join in the continuous saga that compels us to forego our ego for something we may not perceive as better or bettering the world at large Here at times trapped within our own headspace whose conflicts are never easy, pulled out of the grey matter to try speaking though nothing slips out except for those mental whispers trafficking thoughts nervously vying to attach a strand onto the breath of paralyzed ancestor spirits forced to continue as long as we exist Here separating dream from memory as it precariously strikes us least expecting of what the something becomes with or without our captivated unconventional intervention…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…this attraction to distraction vacuous dangerous and damaging to the plans set in motion far before our new birth Here to witness something more than nothing but the localized tragedy of learning to live with such disappointed expectations throughout our lives collapsed into human shape to crave a means to escape from the doubt and the pain championed suffering to make us stronger killing us in the processing, complex archival qualities that lock us into place with our jobs and our shelter and whatever credits we can claim to shame ourselves and others away from us continued even after we are gone from this living state of being doing our best to relate to such alien terrain Here causing messes and mayhem the same as when we were infants terrible yet conditioned…’
‘…the argument by gurus throwing out their shamanic panic as the feng shui shuriken projected to attack the sensibilities of the victim suddenly waylaid and knocked down by the grips of something even further outside realms of implacable gods that monitor the wiles and whims of cultural manifestations that utilize very little information to strive forward as though correct in the assimilation of other civilizations by force or forces that undermine the qualities of cultures other than our own taken as granted sources of our uniquest qualities that automatically qualify us for acceptance unless we are submitted to walking, that fine line that forgets the humans treading a lost pathway some might dread daring to say leading nowhere nullifies passage of thoughts foreign in general that don’t belong to us…’ – out of Context