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‘in the social dynamics as then in which today known as lessons popular by the main masters in charge of ascertaining what common sense exactly is as though a kind of human magic subconsciously upheld as the right means of doing anything but implies that stupidity too be mute to continue collaborating as linear catalyst…’
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‘with few rare exceptions, the fact that these works exist at all how living life engages itself while in weathering supposed deathly consequences when pretensions rise to the skyscraper heights of an overwhelming confusion amidst emotional clutter so unique that we all carry with us that most intimate of journeys along the negative steps shadowing ourselves for we are the wardens of our own personal prisons defined by our owned patterns of belief through trial and debacle…’
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‘human fundamentals of courtesy and respect lost on deaf ears and eyes that hear what the heart is trying to convey as an observational organ in a sense very much like us that brain with nerves and strain stressing the system with a pain that will not relent peacefully as comfort is a dying art of fleeting ideals not represented the same ways as the traditions may have started as minds that were opened to novelizations of a permanent short story that every few centuries finds a permeation in order to repeat the process as its standard of contracted pathways whose currency and circuitry change as a malleable stream of consciousness informing the creatures we are Here, and always dealing with this as tainted service-to-disease that even the opportunistic act of our fascist vulture culture carrying on…’
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‘the resonating repercussions struck playing us against one another so convinced of our own righteous stakes to be claimed by these casually caustic voices who restrain us inside of our own heads through thinking in these uniquely individual states united by genetic dispositions and environmental equivalents of the sense of duty and honor that plague our offended egos, but subversive directions permeate the vastly stuffed reality into a pregnant and oversaturated compression that raises the levels of tension like the moon with the tides in repetition fully and unavoidably present in the suspension of disbelief Here too unorganized…’
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‘in these conformist mosh pits of splendid filth and ecstasy jostling our accreditation through a restless intimidated release as energy is exhausted by this criminal age experiencing itself subjectively everyone a bad guy inches away from doing a dastardly deed or two when the time comes as respect for the obscene pushes us into classic struggles with morality and chance, but we never stopped acting children even as we grow-up to then become this conceptual human fleeting following all standards to ease our relationships with others into that pool of drowning possibilities potentially lost tossed to the four corners where perhaps magic can exist without the consensus pressure of society Now taunting the natives…’
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‘inside such a succulently-caged organism… this shameless age of endarkenment that is making little sense as example because a logic in retrospect hasn’t occurred to affect positively the trend to switch these frames and phrases in order to meet any demand needed to break the cycles upon cycles of which deliberate obscurity a subtle sheet of proliferating ignorance moving slowly clouds in the mind’s sky stormy, in that fluctuating organ allowing for sight into imagination as the positions where a mortal life remains tethered to the Here and Now though this “mind†as we yet know it doesn’t need to stay completely immersed in an organic reality…’
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‘laugh now at the dismissing ways of the ignorant mass stiff with competitive opportunism up its ass like a stick stuck even as this charismatic cystemic infection is in a process of covertly coveting your ass trying to scare you into choosing any sides in a subtle struggle to become dominant, the cruel insulting jokes choking a soft oft-mated companion in cheque by the patterns of chosen games piling up like unwanted discards in a deck before the dealing of hands we are given to raise up to the privilege of our past seeking defensive glances as we soon hold information to which we are privy far too close to our chests to ever read clearly…’
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‘as the top flows fluidly into the bottom throes of a loaded cosmic barrel without the notice of more than a few individual visions made to fit the mainstreaming as powerful functional meaning into the solid words we say so casually, i see with the eyes of god in the voice of this man within who is me trying to move so carefully amid these entrapping things that sting and burn and enmesh with reality and my perceptions of what is real, and dealing with askew a dichotomy of phobic intent searching as like a wailing banshee to free the demon quirk afflicting our sights as they meld with the rest…’
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‘cutting static reality like lips waking from a knife scraping into the skin, of a softer substance still and precious while under the watchful eye of a parent or caretaker even if under illusion of human can be projected like a mask in the eyes and minds of those untrusted, and unknown people who filter throughout life’s endless doorways both demanding and describing circumstance as macabre sway to which we all dance and obey like truth played against us like odds stacked high to crucify those not aware of the method by which a subjective daily madness wins…’
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‘traces unto the dirt, the gravest of most serious matters dealt as death blow to these reserved and ignorant chapels built from the stoned and devalued inert pieces of a dreaming rarity devoid as this reality recycling the clinging bits of restless data from some gripe site retreat into the digital ablyssal bathysphere of space and time left loose to jerk a reaction out of the reeling memories of noumanity’s romantic attachment to resistance… vile trohl for all seasons whose very presence is an inflamed nerve twitching out of time to the rest of this clockwork sequence…’