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Adam’s Rib

original songcraft by C.Michael Keaton

excerpt; ‘Eden’s end with manufractured missile precision
the bargaining for earthly destruction
a caption in time, a particle, a bubble
created without rhyme or reason…’

a challenge failed?…

out of Context;
‘this has been a learning experience for me, and I hope you stick with me through my phases of writing…’

Another 13th Friday.

…see the black and the white as separate, but they are both one and the same in this grey area. the aliens are we, my friends, within our mind’s eye lies the cosmic landscape. either we can blind ourselves to the magical or not, but even that is only a partial truth…

the altered ego.

out of Context;
‘…whether the entity could be called a devil remains to be seen as it seems to me to be anything but be able to be labeled so easily, and negative energy is only a means to make the ensnared less wanting to escape the familiarity of the doomed outlook…’

an impacted wisdom

‘negative…raw nerve…all simple needs…’

love (the many splendored thing)

the animated forms play upon the creative urge, the particle world grows larger, and though squeezed together, the resistance relies too much on the degree of the habitual.

a thoughtless repose?

the crawling understanding of feeling undermined by the ego of your friendly allies, and taking the time to make that movement deeper into your skin.

Epoch Eclipse Drone

out of Context;
‘Maybe this is all some Aryan virus to destroy us all, leaving white power to still fuck-up their own lives, and one day dying from too much incest…Maybe that is what justice would look like if it were real…The epoch opens and closes like a spastic sphincter out of the bowels into reality…’


Again We Come To Hurt

original songcraft by C.Michael Keaton

excerpt; ‘start of the attack, to never take it back
what is this we cannot see, could it be…

Abortion Tongue

original songcraft by C.Michael Keaton

excerpt; “…until the swollen egg begins to drown
in the bath of raw waste that will soon spill out
in that my child will sit as I suck every little bit…”