you’re irredoucheable…
opposition affliction submitting the being to all of this exception while addicted to the rush of anger for the system being this a caustic and drifting to begin with as born bored with a rock in the face thrown as the missile launched to cause a damage that trauma is based upon treading a gnarly stance that very few have explored or endorsed without any evidence or proof to be proven its true by these experi-mental tracks left by the beasts we are Here, beating the meat of the human animal that tries to free itself out of this disparaging life broken in by a kingdom come hither through the ethers by forceful domination as intrusive thinking conquers our shared lands with bullshit lies to line the pockets of those wealthier many times further still shooting the seed trying to reach the stars without realizing that the help of others is a necessary practice among our fellow human beings whose separate glories are just as valid, and as these supposed truths we are locked within by our subliminal subversive devotion to are also those cures that kill the familiar with rituals undermining truer happiness to create the saddest faction of humanity separated by us as an accepted deterioration that becomes reality over the fantastic coordination that shuffles our shit off this mortal coil and on into the love of a void that annoys us to be this out of touch with our heads hearts and a harmony that could right the wrongs made so righteous by the wrong people pushing out through our history as a menace of phantoms trying to wash us out of the fabrications of making a cOsmosis by exposing that taboo to stubbornly filter real enlightenment in control… treading through this desert of the real as a journey dissolves itself constantly throughout the ages spending to create something of substance in a currency of time Here feeling oppressed by the human machine in fits and tics that rattle the structure like chain gun fire chugging a pain through these bones of traditional calcification in closing the mind to any and all open portals of expression that do not follow a regimen like this protocol, leading the possible emotional and mental traumas as much as physical varieties that can stain one living in a constant paranoia that churns loose social debris into strong arguments to condemn the unique self that requires no particular chaperone or policing agent to spread the demands of policy upon the hole as a band-aid used to fit the wound carved out and ending irreversibly scarred by those harsh consequences of any of the many actions to be taken at random, and we dick ourselves deeper into that pit whose depths have no known finish like the bottomless thing to which we cater our imagination as a hideous darkness as it hides the worst of ourselves in the shadow element from primordial essence flowing almost viscous through the universe like a dark matter and dark energy fused together looking much as our motor oil does when first distilled after being raped from the earth without a second’s thought for respect or humble fascination…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on June 4th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.