the Binary bitchslap.
with the same such empirical assumptions, we step into the light subtly enchanted with the unerring truths, but are we intentionally given false assumptions of truths that sustain life Here?… why should we even be upset when we all have individual flaws apparent somewhere, but all veiled by our unique qualities contrasting those very similarities that we all take for granted in other people, there is no way that the cosmos itself feels pity or mercy… it is how we play the games with each other, on so many different levels we are creatures of habitual craving for a substantial sum of all of these so many parts, and fervent with the concept of conquering all of the unknown to such a degree that the beginning becomes a feast for lore and stories further interpreted so many different ways further still… the behaviors like a chain-linking DNA strand across the cosmic surf and turf, that stays the course while we are allowed to drift away with the directions the solar winds channel us towards the material as the robust drops of rain, and Here we all are on the planet named Earth… so many other names among even just the spiritual names as they chant and refract back, the resonance we ride upon as the enraptured guest always on the move as a kinetic particle moves, and like balloons filled with so much gas and threaded with string floating away as we wait to be popped… the dragging feeling tries to harvest our stinking atrophied energies, or rather what is left afterward to be harvested properly is what the energies we mingle with brings to the surface, like sweat through our pores in fits of fear or ecstasy as we release the beast within our cells of the divided and conquered… we race to find cures to things only the wealthy are trying to fund as part of their plans in prophecy to wrack havoc with the real patrons of the movements in this place, in all its flawed appeal and production of commodified trysts tightening the woven fabric of this cosmic thing, and not all of us can grow fruit successfully even with all the proper tools that money can buy and mutated plants warped to covet a commercial need driven by demand… we allow them to defy the laws of nature to create a better future, but we allow ourselves to be ignorant of the casualties that it takes to make that a reality, the genetically-modified condition in chance helping us to adapt further to our own corrupted and bankrupt world out Here… i still reserve a certain skepticism about the whole issue until it is an unequivocal proof, and though i try to eat the strange and wonderful while out in the real, one must still be wary of those odd poisoned berries littered about the organic to deter the predatory nature in the atmosphere… the eyes of the devourer mindful of the eyes to hunt and trail the specific game that one would want to chew through as though two ends from out of nowhere, come together and link in a way that is somehow naturally accepted by the universal mind which we may know as the cosmic intelligence, but that still has that rogue quality that evokes the potential to be far more different than the other ghosts that may linger around… these are never new concepts, just the application of the ancient against the modern mistake we’ve made today, but mainly set around specifics because of the easy quality of reference where expected and when… as control sets the tone in realms of blood and force, as the human tries to struggle against the waves overwhelming energy that can attempt to contain as they break off into cannibal tumors that expose the weaknesses inherent to the system that surrounds the rest of us, and we are stunned to see it…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on May 19th, 2011 in b for Boyg..., blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.