Living (between ghosts and demons)
The nightmares howl out of distrust for the chaos they have been handed… Bodies with wills all their own, the demons trapped behind eyes, and lit by an godforsaken fire….smoke clouds spirit from seeing through form clearly… Signals pass from the vessel’s lips, but nothing might have passed that makes any amount of sense between these two forces, in their eternal terrestrial extremity… We are the living ghosts housed within these silly demons interlaced with hormonal conditioning to consider, if we mistrust and execute the instinct then the animal dies, but well-balanced treatment is the ideal for the creature that houses your consciousness… The spirit may be distinctly yours, but you belong to a whole different world that embraces you as it embarrasses your altered egos to unheard of degrees, existing can be a bitch to deal with….especially if not strong-willed and ready for confrontation… It is still an animal world out there in as much as it can be a mental construct… This reflection/assimilation of the animal presence can take on aggressive appearances, but requires some spiritual spark to function at all… This sense of surrealism fairly describes more like being inside of a marionette… Walking ghosts passing through lifetimes and lifelines to make an impact in one state where the others cannot see, or choosing to make blatant waves in this paradigm… It all links together to create the tapestry we can’t save ourselves from staring into, sucked into the conjoining of the material and ideas from a symbolic nature, and it all churns and stirs to manifest Here… There are glitches all over the wavelengths and bandwidths of these channels we keep reducing our perceptions into, funneling our souls inside those avenues empty of potential, but we only see what lies in front of us not far-flung into the future… The future we surmise can be a frightening thing to provoke into actuality for some of us Here, but heeding the warnings will only reinforce our despise for authoritarian systems that aim to guide… The cookie cutter was forewarned before it decided to manufacture the human being, and those fringe elements have pushed this culture into new places beyond prescribed limitation… Procreate out of a fear of death, and I will show you the animal inside playing human games… That demon that houses this ghost, allowing us access to the machinery Here, and it is our choice to monkey-wrench or support this structure….either way is inconsequential for many of us, but the impact will be felt…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 29th, 2007 in b for Boyg..., dark thoughts, khet's coroner. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.