in the barbarian creme…

it has been a forever since conspiracy was anything but that topic wrongfully thought of as unnecessary to relate one another’s beliefs and experiences to each other as we find ourselves wandering across a vast bewilderness filled with our mists of madness writhing and swirling with the essential parts of those past admissions kept inside as compensation when giving this thing some weight anchoring us tight around the ankles soiling our ideal hands as they are giving shape and substance to our dreams, which may or may not be the purposes we were born Here to complete as confusion and distraction are elements of the modern-aged mind Now compelled to locate and acquire those stray forms of regulation over one’s own life sphere maintaining a certain personal homeostasis that will keep not just the body alive but is also a vital for the consciousness inside shelled and shielded by human urges and ages that give life to the shades of unknown aspect that for the most part remaining hidden as the meanings we each search out in whose acts we perceive as gifts of successful learning, and though we do prefer this to an ignorant state of mind there are yet still so many that refuse out of stubborn instincts to be as contradictory as possible and stand against the grain as a living resistance in one form or another whether as good guys or bad ones each pushing an agenda of goals that we as the masses have no other choice but to try adapting ourselves to or die swallowed by conformity or to have tempted fate to absolve us of our suffering in Here venturing to appease the unrelenting with ambiguous motives with plans to subvert and infuse steady torment within the daily death rituals… as condemnable focus for the multitudes reinforcing their lives to cooperate with the rules of some vicarious idea of mastery thrilling tyrants who have been given as archetypes televised and utilized in modern mass pacification that strives to train and induct all those earliest in development to tighten the subtle intrusions of a culture raw gone mad with redundant pressures in reoccurring to constrain from within as much without as commodities to make sure all of these events are then filed back subtly into what people think they know as serious truth, but the facts are rarely anything apart from a solitary tread one must have to walk having fully immersed ideal oneself into the meat of reality in what is a difficult quest to reveal the techniques of changing the fundamentals of reality in perhaps what is an alchemy of the soul that empowers once acquiring the reflex memory to act almost instantaneously but not being too vulnerable to the paradoxical nature of the backlash when ego seems to ride high waves into fray-like weather, the roles fool and magician intertwined as concepts and characters go at a threshold in a mindful vision of beauty seen with eyes turned toward perfected ideas and states of chaotic mismanagement that frighten and frustrate the masses that frequently question these motives of the state and all ruling parties attached…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on June 5th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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