Attitude of the Edifice

what is it that we see inside of the system that defines our lives for us as it rocks in haste the rest of this shipwrecked skin into other masses to further exclude and to disperse like a rude belligerent child all those factors that one feels the authorities say have no need for attention, it all seems like some distorted mess of a dream which we all happen to be living through as though this were the only true reality perceivable by our mortal imaginations alone as the writer becomes more of that creature necessary to fuse old ages with new ones, as angel and saint among the human herd that mutes its children and their new ideas trying to be brought to life while inside the minds of this living thing we are always becoming as development shatters all preformed conceptions molded into a truth becoming brittle as the ages past have drained and withered it from a graceless shaking bait… it is this trap of expression to be trapped and expressed in quantified breath as captured from the litter of literal thoughts centering around shroud of a humane convenience wrapped about in hasty ignorance for a future predicted born of multiple protrusions of influence by neither reason or logic as it is the fusion of this duality that confuses those general people just attempting to live some kind of ideal family life that is never easy nor is it simple as growth flows without bothering to warn anyone these days, the common education has become stagnant trying to adapt as an entity with humans as its’ brain even though much like the corporation there is no solid basis for this distinction on cold and ineffectual attack of character as occurs in the weaving and wobbling dysfunctional machine we are constantly raging against, but dug into deeply as the generations we have become are going further and further beyond the constraints of whatever we have officially deemed reality to be as justifiable a delusion as possible so that we are automatically obligated to give our lives for the causes and orders made optimal and efficient for us because we are already a part of the greater network of groups and mental cases always having to adapt to every small change whether one at a time or all together makes no difference… we have all become accustomed to our personal trials and tribulations moving the same way, but separately grabbing onto the tangents familiar to us each on our own unique level and acceptance of this reality for what it is we believe it to be while retaining compassion, the most underused human trait…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on November 25th, 2013 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, e for Esemplasy..., my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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