attention towards A wasted totality.

so Here we are at a crossing point, my friends and foes alike, and it is at this point that we remake all of the odd history to come after our own far-out explorations for explanations have even begun to reach a finish… the sensory discretion is all saved for the beholder’s eyes to achieve, and whose mind is left to stretch further the imagination in its need to resort to the product projected from the self in looping psychotic trending steps toward some stylized means to an end, all the fashionable drugs and boutique excesses are in there for one to get rehabilitated away from in the assembly line functionality of our conversations and willingness to let all the information go through the cliche that we consider personal to put it mildly… as we equip our next generations to be prepared with the blankest of dedication that has b(r)ought all this “happiness” so far, right, or am i even lying to myself by now?… grinding the self smaller and smaller until not even the odd fingernail remains to be forgotten about by the cruelly systematic destruction that the oblivious few dare the masses to move away the old wheels pulling and wrench the steering out of control, the most askew of us in the seats of power now that the destroyed ploys have made the tyrants out of men who have begun to feel the lead weight that drama of that character evokes when the social infection runs rampant through society’s nobler forces in charge of far subtler affairs to be expressed for the many of those without a true destined ration to yield fast delivery of good tidings that would meet one Here as though this could all be manufactured with any certainty, but it cannot and will not abide by rules cold and unwavering without willpower to stop it still in the trance of some continued prosperity inflicted by the mass in their heated glory debating the sacrificial oblivion as it is to be lived out before the end of tribulation as meeting… the human frustration machine set on accomplishing everything that only works toward material gain means nothing in what seems the grave and overwhelming sense of social persistence, this is the beast that most of our decency has trouble in seeing and overcoming the challenge with the needed swift approval ratings to be as spit flowing down the face of the naysayer to dance as revel in some compelling change over from this current time line into yet another, and the truly freakish among us are now not scared to covet the whorish and rousing story in the contemplation of play as the hopeless twist in fits of dread as though alight yet again comes with the oblivious fate… the giggling schoolgirl in me wants to play with your mind in anxious waiting for the movement of things not meant for Man to come to pass as the equivalent brings forth an eye witness to meet the vultures, who attained the right to peck at the eyes and the bones until there is nothing left except an idea that has been planted firmly in the head, and there are few rites that work long enough to clear all the curses out at one time in a kind of spiritual wrenching that pulls out all the distrust and examines it thoroughly… sometimes it can be so terribly difficult to see the way beyond the frivolous mockery and the wretched company excluded for lazy and decadent company of others as all of the necessary answers come together on the fringes of this “known” universe, siphoned in throughout the visionary dimension of time into the world of material indifference channeled as a worldly pulse trying to transfer into another form of data to be thus a part to complete yet more without adverse interference Here… as we are the embodiment of the nerve endings that replicate those many on/ off switches inside of all reality as it has tried to channel through the human organisms and others as have remained seen and unseen among them forever as far as we can truthfully tell, in general an unnerving sense that we are on the cusp of something great or awful just never truly known until that threshold has been crossed, and it is while contemplating the elements of charge and motion as well as the individual components of reality itself that realizations occur which could be labeled ‘epiphany’…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on November 1st, 2011 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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