…ideopolis of Atrophiles…

…affiliations that consume us naturally salivating to moisten the mouth ready cannibal ravenous the expressions of rapacious attacking at morsel attempts threatening the cowards cringing in corners not to be predated as meals available on the buffering buffet line assembled Here to timed approach finding solace or satisfaction as moments of relax wherever one can because reality is unrelentingly unsettling even slightly at the comfortable points under the particular lens to focus in on the tension so excited the body watering to moisten that mouth staring false eyed turned awaiting further orders of dominance toward catching discipline off-guard, anyone caught in this illicit side of the world testing our limits casually enough it doesn’t seem to care how careful we are today or any day kicking against the pricks those stupid to have taken them out because a few are broken and torn punctured and pierced to degrees it doesn’t even appear as a common member of the sexual party any more playing coy when no one is turned on just turned out like whores tricking the ones who can and will pay them for what they do as lovers of atrocity to the passion withered as dying, slowly walking through fireside chats wrong about defining absolutes as real instead of speculative information to supplement willful ignorance pushing buttons conflicting everyone who intrudes any further by requiring the suffering pain and choirs of sacrifice demanding subjugation by controlling the concepts and patterns applied therein as long as the ego feels holy steamrolling helicopter baited with rage and copping out once the urgency is satiated craving eliminated modesty restored by optional fulfillment being savored for the momentary bliss escapes us of easy definition managing to take the leaking words out of our mouths sincerely hoping for more than this… rapturous associations convinced criminal artifice corrupting the youth as always in any day of the age can display of this grace we are jagged reminders subliminal existential dread criminal to appear half-cocked in distress sundering hopes of different better something whatever with the difficult parts of us crawling out for answers terminal vileness sprawling through our guts at this juncture of time and space no work to disgrace the previous steps taken moved forward appreciating the value of principles that come with this continuum churning loose constant revisions and changes putting us as a whole in a precarious position Here, leashing derision to something other than oblivion and its darkest tendrils arising from human attempts to outdo the last horrible atrocity that anyone can remember as these terrible things and issues get pivoted upon an axis of evil through human intervention done the wrong way around circulating madness and raw tensions swirling into the air infesting tainted emotions with profusely losing command over oneself while trying to remedy uncertainty in all manners of compromising situations complex and overwhelming messages to pay valuable attention pursuing far-sighted opportunities when possible because of the intense amounts of distraction counteracting our scared determination Here, being what it is in attempts at dissecting to extract a sense of reason for nonsensical tact of reality subverting interesting aspects with over-saturated attentions putting pressure on crushing dreams where no one will ever see them bloom and blossom into better futures instead smashed under an invisible series of bootheels marching forward toward some unseen obscene goal of refutable evidence Here acting upon perceived spiritual impulse speaking in tongues rumbling out of their observed orifices squeezing vicelike breaking concentrations of secular wisdom asserting their martyrs of weight and distinction who achieved authority in order to desecrate human rights and freedoms enjoyed…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on July 11th, 2024 in a for Anagogy..., critical concepts, dark thoughts, practical theory. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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