the muse atrocious

the spirits collide like waves creating obnoxious undertows which sink most ships to the depths of that most holy scene viewed with varied accrued instinct some would read as a crude instinct that only the inferior would be tolerant of as we deem only our own as a superior stock from which to divulge any hopes or a prayer for the future misunderstanding the standing monuments epic in their filthiness absorbing need for the energy these humans create in their grandiose swagger of shame and deliberate games made to flay the mind of all it was thinking prior to reaching this sphere, where fear and tragedy reign down upon a lost people whose glimmer of happiness lies in the reductive value acquired by material abject given more credence than ones who make and produce through the inspirational dynamic aspiring to be or do more with the limited time Here among the cycles of shaped organism spinning like webs of knotted organic chains with words of advice disguised by the propagandese of the proper authorities sporting distortion like a knife slick with gore and gleam of battlefields heady with the spirit of war, and modern warriors now walk brainwashed rushing to the fore of an ideological warfare fanned by the flames of any direct conflict that wanders their way looking to the misadventure that spins some heads before vainglory takes them to golden pastures to be tipped like sacred chaos over the cliffside marching back journey to rediscover another access to depth denied from where death and wisdom are collected yet without such a complete archetypal set of meanings attached… manic oppressive super attraction magnetic anti-mind colliding all of these particles and past participles barely hanging together by threats of the theory threaded into this infamous tapestry swinging free on a wall built upon by a collected ignorance as accumulated over ages by those of oppressed and confused culture though without truly realizing it as the world teaches us the roles we should learn to fit as future lessons taught and measured at an easy leisure of the scholars in whose fetish for many truths we find history and the Mysteries attached to those beliefs and in the attendant myths we think inherited, candy-coated the angels fist us from face to anus retaining this brutality affectionately called ‘judeo-christianity’ the results of which multiple civilized paradigms have fallen under sway headed to toe the line towing divine providence along with those epic slogans quoted by the shoguns as well as other deadly militaristic rulers against which most modern rulership has been measured as the treasured stories saved by villains who need them to reach a people, and a population thick and atrocious rises to meet the demand created choosing the brood of questionable curiosities all supposing to be heir to a throne of blood and quarry without questioning the mythology surrounding it in fabled heroic moments…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on May 9th, 2015 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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