abject: Imbesylum
the crazies run the institution when a madness makes systems have no sense as many people say it but don’t do the things they say or do things without saying anything to indicate feelings or explain the reasoning for the actions assembling pieces of a humanity that knows no better than those sacrificial hours expanding through the evidence of time and space and the continuity of the chase for success and respect making our names reflect the willpower within each of us a spark of life, but there are no staid and truer facts to administer to prevent this chaos from running about with very little difference to refer to some god or monster we created to act on our behalf if even when over half of us is scared of what we have made with such unthinking authority as to snuff out a peoples’ rights as much their rites of passage to higher realms of thought and spirit considered lost to the spartan barbarism that tosses the ugly freak babies off that cliff’s edge if they are deemed too unacceptable by the rest, the dreaming cosmos holds us all to a similar capacity for glory and the grotesque that become habits in our habitat to defend our needs to read further into those situations that are stimulating and yet distort the words and gestures that spurn us on toward that virtual viscera that seems trivial for the most part to most people of whom couldn’t care less as esteem a trait of human proclivities that soon drifts further from the humanity which founded it to be castrating all considerate selves too polite to stray… taking those safety and sheltering protocols we were given for granted as we do lose touch when the compassionate has become tired of our selfish strands of personal obscurity forcing us to these corruption conclusive unturned obsessive toxicity static through numb ritual and writs securing total loyalty as a preview of the coming centuries of miseries wanting and warning us not to continue down this path on towards the condemnation that naturally occurs when we try looking at ourselves in the objective without a corrective impetus to do so, turning on each other like bastards of the worst upbringing beheld that resonates all throughout our years Here on this planet whose ruddy constitution melts and freezes following of the accord on its own not relying upon the affectations of a humanity to save or change it for the better as the world spirit requires no human animals per say neither those aliens who transmit a consciousness we constantly discover aspects to where there is the room to churn out more paperwork, and barely a person to want this as heaven or hell nor the worst cases of us being humans and evil displaying fates on a chain as some pocket watch with souls on the face keeping time with the crooked fascist capitalists who learned long ago how to provoke controversy to achieve as their means to reach their ideas in the inevitable as an end of itself a reasoning that continues to repeat echoes of the mistakes made until the lessons can be finally a social memory learned assumption escapes through trial and error as a moron in a hurry can attest…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 18th, 2016 in blogging, i for Ipseity..., my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.