it is not your Asterisk.

the psychic bombs are dropping, my friends, and these anonymous heroes are working their overdue bids to free the world from dictator-like authority… to fully involve with what’s left of consciousness we must embrace it instead of considering ourselves so separate given the general lack of moral integrity, and words are the keys to this blank system or perhaps system of blanks in the seeking of truths and the corrupted counterpoint in use today to keep the masses in their places through sedative lies, but it is not as though people are reluctant to absorb these toxic influences, they have been trained from day one to do as the system does in order to survive… we all need a negative coach to guide us back into realms of the positive against our “better” judgment sometimes by dissipating the overwhelming presence of negative energies that at times coagulate around a person, calcifying like plaque on teeth to the point that a person cannot breath or move without enacting a personal ritual of negation… life mates are highly overrated if you are not ready to put up with other people’s shit, we are so shitty to one another that there appears no room to breath except to use more insults and negative reaction to trigger a fleeing response in the other person, and resulting arguments can get heated very quickly in this looping dynamic exchange… as we sleep our bodies enter a different kind of interpretive dance as the subconscious takes form in the external reality we allow our senses to embrace, we are the interpreters of words whether in the symbolic/ abstract form or in the practical/ utilitarian stance while Here in this world, and taught how to “read” these ideas correctly becomes the foundation for our society of indoctrination… however, the words have lives of their own, and we become the ‘words’ while we are asleep because the eyes that read our movements are beyond conscious perception… a waking consciousness will only feel a lurking creepiness in this old sensory terrain, but will be hard-pressed to account for the reason for this feeling, this is because it is awareness of the subconscious intuition that knows what is out there even as it devours us inside and out… we are just as integral a part in this cosmic chain of events as any other beings, but we house alien transmitters in our brains that act as organic portals to the realities outside of our own conjoined material plane of purpose, we all do have purpose as i feel it necessary to state the obvious now… we are with a purpose to serve a higher function simultaneously, but are easily confused between what we are taught and what we feel is right, as we are coming closer to moving to reconfigure the reckless behavior of “Man” in these many dark ages past our prime number… the few cannot control the many without the many giving them the authority to do so, and thus defuse whole arrays of sage connective information and tissues that apply to an enlightened reality in whole, too few try to straddle these upsetting trends perverted over time for outrageous gains and tremendous losses all for the pursuit of greed in its most diseased form… the attitude needs to change if we are ever to survive another cosmic rain which could loose the forces of “evil” upon the world in less derived appearances, and this purified hostility would just as likely knock civilization and enlightenment back into a phuture dark age where dystopia reigns supreme as chaos becomes order… we appear to be anarchy’s monkey possessed by the electric devil, born out of the true system of pure chaos in nature as beasts before moving vertically, but our affliction comes with the manmade thrill as our literal fascination with technology subsumes us culturally and even drives us beyond reason at times… is this where the essence of imagination is kept, at an arm’s length distance from our importance of being, as we crawl further on-shore to receive the concepts to make an age of saints?…

Posted by :\_khet on June 23rd, 2011 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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