As it applies…
this discussion never came up until now that we all think through this form we call ‘human’, it is neither truly either sex even though it is always demarcated as ‘one or the other’ when first born Here, but lately there are many of us who disagree with this convention… the world never lets you have what you want to have… there are very few simple truths in this world, and so most are even sold as household remedies in books and periodicals as the more commercialized around us have been giving in to this inevitable paradigm change that applied itself to us when we accepted the brands acting as umbrellas guarding these truths from the weathering circumstances as nature has decided to strike us down, the unbridled passion from centuries ago let loose through language as much as constricted by the use of language to undermine people’s understanding with confusion and superstition as a means of guiding people away from conflict as to eventually steal those truths in the ensuing struggle created by this ridiculous urge to take or the arguments to retain sole ownership of these truths as profitable wisdom, but this is exactly what happened to us all as we allowed our structure to be corrupted from the top down as the gullible were in control this whole time after the revolutionaries were kicked out for their romantic ideals of leadership and it became a job for someone like us… someone easily distracted by promises of higher power and better money as the system is now built to reward these attitudes most of all these days as oil and labor are in dire circumstances while moods run the gamut back and forth reflecting the indecisive nature innate within the qualities of the ‘human being’ who merely seems to take what is handed to them and will expect that from now on, there are devices used against us which only serve the purposes of those who know nothing but that most miserable urge awaiting in eager expectation of the proper respect the most truly deserving never get served because it is all just some visual claim or justice to be named and already labeled as though that were all just a part of the show somehow, but how do we ever begin to understand each other with all the languages there are to hover over in debate when obviously heritage and personal choice factor into any reason why we are different instead of mannequin likenesses?… it is through our arts literally because the artistic voices are the most basic symbols to define a cultural force before, during and after the revolutions that may come and go that eventually leave a layer afterward that influences further definitions while a murky past goes on to play out the changes created, but once it reaches the public scope does it all come to an unbounded sequence that returns the original energies to their makers becoming a spiritual loop between the physical realm and the conscious one… ghostly are the effects that dance up from these layers as they collect affecting each cataloged selection of centuries making up that faulty history book leaving out the more enlightening details that would make all the difference in school reform at least, from there the world changes by leaps and bounds as the ‘we’ humanity becomes justified in hearing each opinion instead of the general public unrest of opinion which is more biased as time and money work their wiles on social influence, but are we there yet?… is it really nineteen eighty-four the modern way in this psycho-pyrotechnical day and age?… where the explosions gather together the crowded denizens into their appropriate pens where they can let us offend each other in such close quarters without even touching us at all, to apply an enemy to the sequence of this jogging dreamy real thing before us gives our goals that certainty and determination that people interpret into attacking and subduing the brutes who must be “evil” because they are not us, but this validation is what makes “evil” so strong and idiot violent to begin taking ourselves to new extremes of corrupted value and moralist integrity held within a serious absurdity that deceives the total that remain as infective truth moving along through both life/ death purges moving humanity toward decidedly obtuse realms of future energy lost somewhere in this temporal space chase born in the argument faces that deviate from the warp of faithless fateful traces… still the revolution will not be televised, but only the afterward that presents itself as real…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 15th, 2011 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.