
hurting this hard is difficult to be courageous through as there are many ways that we can be distracted in our own senses as much in our own thoughts trapped as they are inside of our skulls that house them with all the trivial pieces that dream and endure this reality for all the stigma drawn and quartered within as many people as possible in which to work this magic which spreads and absorbs the frequencies that drive the inner mechanisms of a self beyond whatever we consider the out there waiting for us to fail, a micro-economy based upon our earnings as much the distilled fear we generate for the hidden forces acting as a catalyst upon cycles and rhythms for the details further engaging our modern age in a battle staged for the good of our people as the doormat to some fabled lofty opening that none will ever be able to see with real eyes because a glitch in our fabrix that will not allow us free passage in a timESPace condition like this, but as chattering human chattel continuing to struggle and fumble for keys allowing for this passage to take place between all conscious creatures existing Here all at once though only the slightest separation among hostile dimensions as time periods bloody with conflicted essence in piercing the thin membrane like an eardrum lacking the structure to resonate with the sounds surrounding it as if the only way out was to go in through the exit… to reverse fortunes of pain and loss takes emotional toll upon us all as in one united organism searching out the current weakest links to our apt fundamental skill of genetic-splicing and reorganizing to track down all mutants in the system and eliminate them with harsh empirical standards of science as quality control for the concentration of our species a recorded posterior for posterity as the ideal glimmer blurs the vision into fat waves of grey that reveal we had to suckle upon this fostering laze cozy as the baby ignorant we once were conceived as, ensnared and caught in a crossfire when growth and self-awareness are achieved to be deceived by this system as it tells us not to care too much about the rest of the cattle led to slaughter to dine as sacrifice fighting a survival game instinct distinct in its vapid and compassionless push to create a simple world where nothing viewed as false is considered true as though to be absolute and certain of this concrete example forever, and as landmarks and watermarks made once the reigns swept away by the winds of change spinning this roulette ever onward in toward pursuit of dreams made real by doses of antagonistic dread ascending to higher realms as yet to still be possessed by a ritualizing of nature programmed like the grips of your hands for a chance to spin the wheel again while in this flesh resonating energy beyond death as though an environment tracked and torn from a few of the pages out of dusty traditional books stacked against us and our vast array of oddities in whose demonstrations as crazy are truly false…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 31st, 2016 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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