Epoch Eclipse Drone
Can’t you hear the humming sound coming out from beneath our remains?…That surprising intensity that invites you to bathe with the others in conformity, in the waves of moonlight caught from the sun’s glowing orifice, and brought to bear against the iconoclasts…The ones who are foretold to bring about the fruit of sorrows…We sway to an Antichrist’s song, but which ones came first?…The good or the bad?…I believe it was the ugly that descended first from a moral heaven to bask in the garden’s rays of light, when earthly desire was but a sparkle in the animal’s eyes, and we were not even conceived of yet…Flesh knew no such bounds as beauty nor charity, but only abundance from a fount of youth and life…Homeless was not a word yet for these creatures…There was no sense of fear in these things that rose…Soil and mud were but blanket and pillow for these beings before the train collided with logic…When this collision occurred, however, terror became the only known…We are born from pain, and brought up to feel more pain, to collapse in heaps to the ground when we are spent…The cells keep dividing into creatures that crawl the earth like spawn from hell’s dirty kitchen floor…When every other creature is killed off, what becomes of this human being, and will we ever know before it happens to us?…Is conformity natures way of calling us out?…Are we supposed to take whatever beatings we are given, and not retaliate?…Is the cookie cutter worth slicing up the foreskin we’re in?…Shaving off every irregular hair to kill off all the fleas, or just because it looks better?…The songs play on, and we are still the disenchanted, casting off old ideas left and right without ever finding a truth to any of them…The possibilities provided by imagination are colliding with the newly-rechristened logical train of thought, and accidents keep happening, strangers caught in the crossfires meet their fates far too many times to count or take names…The style of society has been made more efficient by the sharpened point of distinction, alternately tearing down and reconstructing the concepts that change within this fancy machine, destruction and rust awaiting the ‘sinner’ that betrays a fraction of their loyalty and responsibility…What kind of evil bullshit is that?…The goal should not be to swoon and sway under the trance of of a sedate stance that never moves, adaptation is the reason we are Here and now, and not for some furious gods dictions spoken to rain down upon our heads….belittling the ‘losers’ in some imaginary game of life…Life was never that safe…Games are for children not monsters…Logic can be just as justified as youth abandon as reason…The society betrays a cunning tongue to lie and manipulate the citizens there…Using blood to reinforce their stations to power, cunning statements to dull the minds of persons unknown everyday, and all under a moral obligation to paranoid strangers at every turn…An agenda on stun to promote the masses to sway…Decay never felt so good…Should we even wonder why?…Maybe this is all some Aryan virus to destroy us all, leaving white power to still fuck-up their own lives, and one day dying from too much incest…Maybe that is what justice would look like if it were real…The epoch opens and closes like a spastic sphincter out of the bowels into reality…Is what we get out of this experience really worth it?…Should we really let these spastic assholes slide, and guide our lives?…Because I am quite sure destruction is conformity’s goal…’Day divides the night, night divides the day’, dichotomy defines our lives, and some of us therefore live in hell because of this…Good day to you…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 24th, 2007 in a for Anagogy..., dark thoughts, khet's coroner. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.