the 13th century…
slipping back into the haunting persona i can be known for by those what know me little better than i know myself as though severely unaware and truly lost among swaying doe-eyed prey and the predated market packaging of predatory brands whose experimenting is with body as much the mind while trying to evoke those primal urgent struggles our ancestors had adapted to with adrenaline nerve-tipped dart quickness, this type i am as the swift conscious creature wanting features of one’s owned self launches into a rancid fit of disapproval for the centuries never to have lived as current crusades visible seem to lack in comparison with the epic validations that few of us nowadays have the will to achieve as originally attentive study perhaps, but this i can only surmise as true to assume as our world is still epically spinning even as we choose to dehumanize and compress and pull all passion out of a very real history for the general gratification in self-possessed “greater good” ideal broken by wealth and greed unleashed in a system that would embrace all stances with at least some respect for individuality as now a modern plague upon the wonderful actual humanity that is there underneath… the medium of politics that have been keystone in allowing atrocity to be and seethe in the subconscious throughout most of the odd time humanity has considered itself at the top of the heap to work further at some elite exclusivity to carve out the success necessary to quell those righteous furies within us all as possession is as common as death even among the elite, but the greater massive of humanity is starting to awaken to the uncomfortable reality as it has been plundered whether with a seed at the start that grew deeper than could be eliminated so easily from the burgeoning civilized structure that today feels compromised at all levels to a degree of palpable paranoia and madness in the err, the aura that surrounds the darker heart of modern humanity is one of feeling blamed and guilty and insulted by all the triggering workings of indifferently removed humanity replaced with a sinister order affecting a total reversal of what was once a civilized morality going stir crazy from this manic compassionate beast constrained by polite correction as a people twisting the tempest of the humane inward towards the center… the craze hits everyone like a wave, a decision that echoes up from the past in a sea change flowing out fingers of dramatic postulations between various members of the world population each appearing to counter the other inasmuch as one another, and each within their own families and collective thoughts…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 25th, 2013 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.