the altered ego.

what a piece of shite am I… negative influences can always get the better of us somehow… to quote Simon and Garfunkel, ‘hello, darkness, my old friend’… what meaning can we derive from the words of these supposed charlatans?… Hope?… is there such a thing out there amongst the rabble?… dancing upon the fractured tongue of bitter upset… breaking down sequences that seem potent to our tastes… the delay of self bouncing from topic to topic and back again in some fit of energetic and frenetic frenzy… what are the tricks we use to trade our instinct and intuition for this altered ego that seems to overwhelm the soul?… leaving us all with the horrid consequences of our actions… the mourning after what was once a great experience, and at first, an experiment in betraying those egregious and secretive of ways that only seem to protect us from harm… however, when we dive headlong into the cesspool with no thought as to how or why we do the things we do, it is then that we give into the negatively-charged entity that calls itself us at the time… ridiculous?… perhaps, but these are merely my assessments of the greater overall picture, and addiction is the gateway to some other beast that even metaphysics have small light to shed on those things that overtake us… dimensionally shifty creatures that we cannot see, but we allow to enter when we induce the proper state of mind to unleash their capabilities… they seem to evoke a negative construct, not for our benefit as a means toward catharsis, but to ensnare the unaware who choose to stay oblivious to the real provocation of their senses and spiritual self… the demons, if you would wish to call them as such, are externally manifested after much energy is drained from the willing host… the parasite, as I shall call it, requires the ensnared mental and emotional capacity for sustenance… it is based on a negative plane that we can all touch upon emotionally, but is not necessarily a ‘neg’-based creature itself, it uses this construct to make the prey feel comfortable with their lack of resistance… a familiarity that can suck the person into a pit of desperate situations without the light of a hope or faith to dig them out… though many can find their way out with belief and patience, two difficult traits to acquire in today’s hustle and bustle of modernity, and in no way easy to attain without focus and understanding to some personal degree… to each their own in path and projects, but when the influence of other comes from within, it is so terribly easy to confuse the self for that creature previously mentioned… not a divinity per say, but more or less an entity that exists on a parallel to our own, that can only interact through the right channels… in which the human animal gets used, much as an object, and for whom the entity may become attached through a mirrored symbiosis… the human being may become addicted to the mental and emotional insight that this entity reveals, and so to this entity becomes addicted to the interaction on another plane of existence, this might have been going on since the beginning or only since I have written it down….no one knows for sure… this may give some idea as to how a person can be known for a particular outlook, but then rapidly change to something other than what they really are… in other words, another person altogether, and it is as if that original self becomes distant and disaffected from the inside… it is as though a car were driving itself, but the driver is still there observing all that the automobile does without their direction or guidance… once giving in to the unapparent control of this subtle authority, one cannot exactly relinquish control without a strong conviction to prevent being assailed by the loss of control, and so under the influence of a different perspective becomes difficult to resist over time… the artist, through an interpretive filter, can sometimes subdue the assault through personal conviction of vision, and thus enlighten the mass scale of people at large… though many seem to attempt and fail at these proceedings, there is always some kind of headway made with their individual application of willpower to test against the odds of fate… whether the entity could be called a devil remains to be seen as it seems to me to be anything but be able to be labeled so easily, and negative energy is only a means to make the ensnared less wanting to escape the familiarity of the doomed outlook, a perspective destined to place the individual into a scapegoat role absorbing more negative energy from the emotional projections of others until the eventual loss of self overall leading to realizing decay and death…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 5th, 2009 in a for Anagogy..., khet's coroner. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “the altered ego.”

  1. :\_khet says:

    wow… had no idea i could get so heavy (lie)… i see the words as they are formed, and question their reality, their veracity really sticks on third reading or so…

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