
where do we start with this one? feels good but drains brain power. who needs to know these things, but inhabitants of a sullied physical form? you start with one out of many, but quickly the multitude becomes fewer as night moves closer. drinking is a form of destruction catered to by all associations and laws, but looked down upon if it gets the best of you. feeling like a well-oiled heel more than apparently in this lawful lawlessness of self-deprecation that we achieve as a feat among the status quo. the deeper seeds of fealty to the drunken binge are too much for many to quantify without puking. alcohol can torment the soul via distilled spirits, and too many have succumbed to the numbing thumb hard liquor. this is why the choice of libation must be the beer or wine of centuries worth of thought. a hard test to pass unless you have another as a mirror to overtake your obsession with the drink. many times another’s input can prevent you from going over the edge, but sometimes they just egg you on to greater heights of depravity as they too get drunker. the pub is the responsible place for intoxication of these varieties. nights spent in fights attempt to wake the abuser user from fleeting fits of rage. the laws take query of mischief into their own hands when arresting the flow of catharsis from their streets. demons dance among these spirits without bias or bane in the attitude pushing and projecting the pain onto others with an unsavory nature. flowing like water as wine to imbibe the pulse of pro creative energies just to make the point appear worthy. flashes of insight are sometimes not worth the spew of emotions that come from a darker whole.

Posted by :\_khet on January 19th, 2007 in a for Anagogy..., critical concepts. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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