Alchemical Manipulation
I feel like some sort of wizard with my new gizmo, energyxt…
A thumb drive with sequencing software and enough free space to save hours of music, drums samples, and hopefully more instrument patches….
I’m giving serious thought to setting aside the hard rock/metal genre for this… It’s easy as hell to write, just point and click, drag and drop….
I must say though, once I have a real handle on the software, I’ll be using it to create sonic backdrops to live guitar and bass. The wonderful thing is the ability to sequence beats then copy/paste them as needed… No more dealing with subpar acoustic drum recordings and the fact that the beats I hear in my head I lack the ability to play live. I never said I was a drummer damnit, and drummers around here all suck for one reason or another.
All that aside, I have interesting circumstances unfolding regaurding me earning some money (hopefully) by playing drums with a cover band. Not the my ideal situation, but hey, I guess it’ll be fun to get to dress up ACDC with lots of double bass passages 😉
Posted by Matto on July 16th, 2009 in a for Anagogy..., madness of matto, the MUSe sICk. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.