Loving Care When Made Aware.
shoving the lifeforms around like playthings or pets shaved or branded to represent a particular breed or relationship domesticated manifests as the charismatic appendage pulling the familial ties like strings for a puppeteer whose personal momentum shapes the dysfunction that humans so possessed shall take, sometimes the animals need help that one cannot manage alone in this world though as much a group hive mind can and will stifle the creative solution which eludes the rational justification of being that thing cutting away the reality for just a moment one simple moment that never lasts long, but this broken veil of hoodoo and wisdom is paled in comparison with the living knowledge streaming in between the ears where the mind sits in the darkness of our heads reaching out to be heard in greater clarity as pronounced through words shot out in a volley which leaves trails over the world view… one can only see so far into this murky region looking for the bullet thus fired not as brightly lit as the golf ball by which leisurely men walk in loud pants, and so none of us can faithfully track all of our words as they launch into the out there which makes up most of what little reality lives outside of my own bubble Here for you all to read, we must find a way to apply an unwritten rule of universal respect in order to progress further ahead perhaps passing ‘GO’ to collect $200 in this way a reward for the suffering service like a loyal dog to follow Mankind into the fray like a blank and innocent creature not knowing any better… so many funerals for those who have never lived a day, riding the lapping waves of wonder within their own heads as passive conductor to all the accumulated facts and action that make up one life projected out through in this miasma of flesh and illusion, and scaring ourselves with our cruelty and unkindness at times making the animal in us want to isolate itself from the others in some attempt to understand the power as it overwhelms one into that state of pure emotion to a point of frenzy or psychosis where the madness makes the most sense out of all possibilities as they appear… the functional adult is supposed to be able to care for others in the same capacity as caring for the Self implies while living in an existence of perpetual motion within organic machinery as the internal combustion clock reaches out to the edge of empty from this intellectual place Here, transmitting signals into and out from the void as prismatic vacuum recording all as it has occurred in time and space as two layers out of the many densities of reality present as the whole loops in on itself much like the example of the ever-swallowing Ouroboros seen from two dimensions, but reality plays tricks with us as we explore the vast richness from which we are the solid beings derived into this holographic destiny at hopes trying to figure out all the various connecting points of the cosmic puzzle whether seen for better or worse as left for the philosophers to pick up the abstract pieces like sticks of kindling to fuel the ever-moving ignition of attention and awareness to nuance before it can all slip away in that one instant of goodbye… we are the children and we are the pets of this experimental mindset which will not relent as the dice roll to test our fate against faith perhaps in an ignorant glamour trapped in a web of potential ideas and frenetic waves as cliquish trends that push the tainted and biased show along to its conclusions, the story always changes even in those times of stasis where nothing seems to occur as there are a myriad of other subplots behind the scenes of so many chaotic dreams spinning on axles and figments of imagination that sometimes there is no room to take a breath and believe what’s going on these days, and we were meant to pay for our attention when things got too thick to cope with properly as the experts might say in order to get us to buy more product to feel as safe as we did before the ways of medicated sedation took hold… but what deficits our attention more, not wanting to be subjected to all the deranged analyzations and fractal penetrations trying to siphon life essence, or giving in to the system as it abuses?…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on April 14th, 2012 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, c for Colluvies..., l for Logogriph..., m for Manque.., my art & dreams, rants & raves, w for Wasm..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.