a Septic coup
the inherent sins of reading the signs foretelling the passing of this dying age into another realm entirely dripping insults from the liars’ lips as they pucker to kiss the ass cheeks gift chopped and served in this toilet of the future transported through avid use of a flushing mechanism sending that slicing volume of water and waste surging forward indifferent manifestation of the urgent, organic, diseased… so tanked up on outrage at these vicious things we crave manifesting hard and fast rules to live by generated through generations subdued by this culture alarm sounding bright and so vigilant even though it would seem very few wish to listen outside of their own resonating of soul-ar vibrations searching for the developmental exit to this constantly decomposing and restructuring state of existence, but in what tense is our individual path certain of destination and where to go only to have this external struggle reveal the internal one as the shifting sands of time can relay or delay the inevitable as it turns the corner to smack into veins this belligerent smuggle of dilute altruism made of flesh dead woven phantom forms spiraling thick conscious smoky ghost as the space expands further out extending this energetic potential creeping deep under the skin, warring holy temples have nothing but violent enlightenment to shed as wisdom sent out as dumbed down vision for reality composed as truth for the embittered and the wicked to pursue with reckless abandon trying to yield an absolute knowledge aged to perfection as rotted withered fruit gathered by calloused hands of the working class who condemn the hidden of the manipulative minority whose sole function is to disrupt the ascension of all humanity by means of distraction and misdirection treating most of a humanity as pets and enemies… the gut open and exposed to the oxidizing err rusting our ancient machinery to eroded red points bloody from thrust in and out of damaged packages as stimulating baggage to haul around on wheels if you are lucky enough to afford this luxury as remedy to those painful dues paid in what matters most at this stage of becoming the better person, not a perfection as misguided by a flawed perception radical in its intent to instead become the opposite of what one is perceived as, but fraught with peril is the adventure into the fathoms of the fluctuating soul flaring as it fires off into the unknown by inherent factor of the curious laid bare by seeking sights shared and retained as record by the cosmic vessel…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on February 15th, 2014 in blogging, rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.