a punkture in the cyst ’em…

stabbed in the gut like rutting bores on the march as the ides are starched and white along with those of blue collars held charged by commerce and as ready for the red of a bloody climax to spill over us all like that pyg blood bucket dropping loose over the psychic’s head with those villains wildly screaming out murder to dodge the bullets directed toward guilty parties thrown for the glee of atrocity welded to this odd grotesque meat of shameful cares washing and waiting for the chance to choose well, a noose of emotion falling down choking the strained refrains from our lips that we didn’t do it or that it wasn’t the intent wished for by the admitted offenders obnoxiously reacting in nonsense thrashing hastily trying to make it all go away where it cannot become a nuisance to the losers to whom a wealth and riches are the only vices worth caring about as violent wretches in this system shoot out random vapid excuses all stitched together as quilted mistakes in personal responsibility gone astray, but the realizations we are forced to learn merely make us resentful deeper down in our soul if the pressure was put upon us by people believing themselves better or truly more aware than we who are roaming the streets ready to tear off a chunk of some fecal-breathing machine that tries to act the tough human even though it is not too wise to push other humans around like you own the place unless you accept responsibility for your actions… patience or a lack thereof slows a progress down to a snail’s crawl as drama flares up in spurts that force us to act out of turn with the rest making spastic dancers of a few among the restless tribe of humanity twisted together even when we hate the feeling of being tied tight by the ankles or a wrist to these other creatures that stink like humans but act with horrible attitudes defined by shadow moods testing our resolve due to their obnoxious advantages taken during our weakest moments, but suffering the fools is least of our concerns when being content with our personal degree of happiness makes all the difference this world has to offer when we might become one more of these atrocious opportunists fanning the flames or as fully-formed human beings in acknowledging their genetic roots as a primal creature while still maintaining a conscious display of compassion and respect toward other beings whether human or not should make no difference if it is honest and genuine, while we truly remain captivated by those details of our darkest aspects to the point of feeling miserable with the guilt and damages thrust upon us by outside vectors forcing their hands to move us across the playing field as a distorted chessboard perhaps biased in the favor of the ones crazy enough to fight against it as the variations and diversity seem to have their own timing when the cosmos shifts and sifts through the ashes left after raw changes have been manifested against the grain as society waits with anticipation to see truth unfolding…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on November 15th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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