True to Font
words we use show the character inside all of us while the written phrases remain further defined by their visual representation as their symbolized certainty is depicted, and typography as study in those artistic elements of type likened to a fountainhead outpouring all things whether truths or made fiction makes no real difference as it all streams forth, words from your mouth and head taking up spaces in print where legible and in courteous forms translated to drain the sting of venom while the meanings flit about restlessly from multiple ends of this dramatic tension pulling the strings to prove hypocritical theory… all it takes is a handful of words to command others in their collective insecurity to do your bidding as long as the person placing them there has some understanding of social control and emotional manipulation to engineer reality as commonly-tested battleground in which we all participate as drones circulating in unison worldwide while allowing ourselves to be subdued by ideals held high in a retrolink fashion that inhibits the pursuit of real knowledge by experience, most of these underdeveloped larval people have become hoarders of money because anyone can learn to hold onto all the cash that you can grab requiring only a basic programming to adapt to human culture as concrete structure existing now as a physical demarcation almost like a mountain range realized to fuel wages of warfare and affairs of the heart embittered by the dirt scraped upon the climbing ascent upward rung by futile rung as the Mysteries prevail above and below, and unlike knowledge or compassion as fellow spirits served not worshiped by the organic humans Here with the ability to indirectly influence behavior and interest through cultural and ideological means leading to this influence being passed on in subsequent generations since with myths and tales as told and repeated and reshaped by the stray opinions… to then digest this and bite your thumb at me burned by the words venomous to defend from the ignorance insulting this feast for the senses cradled in every word and phrase, to delight or betray with stylized stolen frames of mind to mock the lies behind shallow guises as social affair ritualized, but what of the subtlety of thought mutating these perceptions considered insulting by the naked mind dragged away by the visions too stark and cold to be only for show embedded within synchronizing the dwindling fragile remains of time we have left choosing conformity over this font of knowledge made real…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on April 19th, 2014 in blogging, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., my art & dreams, subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.