states of the feArt
the heart speaks whether we might wish it to or not as an entity that resides locked in our breast that frees us from stagnancy by coloring our visions with a substantial curiosity that when nothing makes sense there should be an imposing from this feeling as though of being moved by a greater good whose remains of nameless force circulates among the shifting sands spicing a dune or two with the barest bones of a growth from silicate and quartz fragments there is an art in this case for and about everything as enlightenment surrounds unseen by any a naked means of perception but we have the adaptable gears up inside of our deepest layers holding back instinctual levels of emotive data that builds and accumulates formed of all past traumas and spectacular experiences as well as a step at a time while each person develops their own style in approaching the collecting of this universal knowledge without any much better basket than one’s own brain, wet with anticipation of those next moments as life’s momentum tries to reach us with strings of connective tissue that are of course directly linked to the state of emotions and mentality at the time as there are instances where a person can attempt keeping themselves from making mistakes but there that creeping linger surges underneath the caustic vibrations upon the surface where silent implication fills in as the translator between the signals as they burn imprints into our fragmented psyches small pieces of secret puzzles few will witness as the truth in the appropriate proportions to conceive of surety that what they see can be believed for certain as the stability craved by many ignorant assholes preferring this domestication to very real a palpable sense of happiness as emotional form it is but also the higher concept that gives the examples to others open to learning, and though we cannot all seem to be on the same page frequently as we would like there are times more often than not where unique outlooks are then required to see things differently to make progress lurching forward no matter what holds us back as those tasks are the smallest increment of this world’s power pushing a growth though not always for a best of all outcomes as all the selfish qualities are voided by the establishment’s means to an end that collectively perceives us as inferior to a greater understanding as mastery has created those slaves it relies upon to get things done as fair to efficient when it applies… we relied on these false superiors far too long like some vestigial angels as alien organs wanted no more even when the structure needs eyes that sights the days ahead minus of any strife that remakes the surface world spectacular to become the circus of cesspool glories and sorry gory displays of better meets best to cancel out the betrayal compressed in our ancestral genes a might that rises up from the murk to cause distress and terror alarms of a coming something still as yet undefined in this modern dark age as there is more adaptation to go as the heavens reign blood down upon us, as from the dark thrones of monsters will we be forced to flush down as much of the stain of our horrid actions breaking us away from our minds lost in an ignorant ablyss sinister as any imagined dapth that traps us and our dreaming sanctity idle with privilege and weighed down by those obligations supporting the stability of c!aim that floating with beasts far more dangerous a predator than a mere man-eating shark could be as cannibals one and all told we are exiled from the world stage whether a discovery or recovery to escape from the tormented DNA chain that binds our feet right Here with the other wreckage, and though a nightmare can strike us when we are asleep on the basis for such calls to thought the sacrifice made as offer up to the powers-that-be set throwback to those past times remote and whittling away at the lies and hypocrisies making silly sissy dancing only those who do not stand up for themselves while dealing in the changes that take a place of those deceased and diseased in this society as repository of outcasts to be reformed and calibrated for the future already a setting in stone lost for yet another age that may pass without any other analysis as these humans we are dissolved…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on March 25th, 2017 in blogging, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.