No Lifeguard On Duty
so Here i am trying to catch up with me, squeezing around of ritualistic passion into a square-less ‘qhaos’ from which a resemblance of my Self is born within the slow gravity of the whole reality in the midst of its random chic cliches thrown around like sewing seeds, and the idealistic moves transforming into the biological even as Mankind builds the social pressure to a volatile conclusion by emulsifying the apathetic and blatantly indifferent mismanagement of the resources when it comes to life struggling to survive in public atmospheres carved via trial and error testing midst archaically stunted growth disoriented by gain distortion… the afforded ignorant bliss that has lasted and now ended without the warning we were lead to believe we deserved as a species drifting from thought to thought like they were islands in the cosmic sea, although it is these isles of thought that are more like amoebas or perhaps cytophagic bacteria infecting us with the life needed to play out one aspect at a time of inculcation for vast underrated and subtle holographic strands of DNA-like film edited by the interlocked forces harmony and dissonant as manifestation hidden beneath the facts, and it feels farcical to try this hard explaining something i haven’t applied the self discipline to refine as a skill when the stark contrast between thought and reality are distracting without end ever… it would seem enough so that i do not make appropriate use of literal energy and potential energy in this ‘temporeality’ as set on a linear track minus any great specific destination in mind, i get frustrated with how senselessly i groan over approach and action as though it were to come down like an exalted being to grant me the necessary confidence and determination to get what i want done, but the wall i hit looks like a dead end even in a world that never truly ends as flat as would seem… the human’s bubble expands only so large to house all the various forms of life for the length of time given as chances to remake our bodily collateral that anchors us Here to all dimensions in the collective continuum, we are at a nexus in time/ space reality that teases us into existence to order and maintain the great work of ages ago when perhaps there was more to work with, but since that period we have let ourselves restrict what is allowed in our straight-laced paradigm of ‘kill or be killed’ motif projected into the atmosphere from that hidden heart surrounding this world and the next… while holding the past as well as the future in some kind of cosmic backup that requires a reboot to truly express the what as lived before us in the Now as we see it today, that which seems like trickery through ancient human eyes opened as the eras tend to change so too does the environment that envelopes us in the daily affairs of the casual human being, and it is at this state we have been in for too many centuries to count where we secure a frustrated impatience for a situation so out of our hands we become impetuous and brash to change things for the “better”… what is this ideal of better so unique to each of us in our time Here that we would get so completely distracted from the point onto other more tangential issues as they swirl only to get flushed out by the ignorance of Mankind’s approach to living best above all other inferior beings in the out there, especially as we get into a kind of apocalypse fever where culturally we crave an end to the static monster thus created has in this reality subsumed corporate interests in as much as all religious pontificating to further warp and pervert any organized spirituality that contradicts the worldly “knowns” in favor of an individuation of knowledge and privilege without the authority to include any improper view of details into the official statement, but it is when as a group that the collective decides to know what is better for the whole world that we begin to falter in our steps toward the ultimate domestication of humans via all the ideological instruments at our disposal spinning disinformation and misinformation out of whack with this many different points of view always varying between tones and implications on the words used in err… traveling at the speed of sense in a miasma of strange portents and possibilities…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on May 27th, 2012 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, l for Logogriph..., my art & dreams, n for Nescience..., o for Onymy..., rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.