Shopoclypse fervor.

all conscious and unconscious entities overlap/ overlay each other which makes it difficult to discern if either end of the gamut is really a start or finish, but because the middle is that coveted intersection of which all alignments conjoin Here, there is no secret to which we are privy until such a time that the cosmos opens up to our sight within and vice-versa in the case of we being open to the cosmos… not every being has the potential to be aware as those with some mode for the cosmic insight that i refer to, but has the capacity to discover layers of intuition that have evolved from the ancestral forms since the beginning of this somewhat solid existence we live within now, we can definitely see but our sight is limited by where we place ourselves on this plane as with everything else that can be an obstacle in our way… we can play games with our boredom just as we can play them with our pains or gains or freedoms, this never means that we have to win all of these games because of a heart being in the right place when competition is an acknowledged sport to which rules apply that are to be upheld to a higher standard of quality in athleticism and prowess, but without an absurd notion to burn money… the consumerist plague upon entering into the 22nd century without delay is now pushed forward by the essence of nothing but a remnant presenting itself today as some substitute for ancient ritual long forgotten about but intertwined with the technological raging in haste behind its own motivations to kill or condemn a culture to death, ramping up the aggression by catapulting this mental midget toss to the next level of demonstrative fury as a means to the end that hits both nerve and artery with the ample sustenance in its obnoxious payload, and winding down with a caught drift driven by round after round with a distorted perception of control trying to kill the buzz humming from between the ears as the internal radio flips stations rapidly back and forth when commercial and industrial interests try to ascertain my exact coordinates in this life wherever the straight line of information grows too narrowed for anyone to ever really enjoy… the pack mentality plays tricks with the allowances of perception made solid reality buy these things in our pockets and wallets holding sway without even a word expended in breath to make fact that which is reality, some realities stay in the pockets of those who made them real in the first place with all of the different kinds of meanings and reasons driving the modern mind of Man using humanity as the vehicle to get direct change to occur sooner than later as the reckless thrill urges everyone on at some point early, but then sometimes what occurs is that a mock reality will assert itself in place of our visions as the new kingdom of sorts that will lead others beyond this sacrificial model of what humanity requires to achieve great things through an almost cosmic telekinesis moving things by will alone… our minds are part of the sequence to wring the subtler “juices” from the very atmosphere surrounding us beyond sound or sight or any other experience of the senses on this planet built on material desire and want, but these pieces of subtle emotive behavior are merely proxy for the actual which lies much further than the horizontal edge upon the periphery with its fading shadows as the sunlight hits the darkness like a creeping stain deathly crossing the same barrier separating light of day from dark of night and back again when the sun moves the other way across the sky, the cycling days meld into each other as though like some storm wrapped about in the venison of the sacred ceremonies usually shared by most in a mandatory participation than in a purely friendly sharing of information and knowledge between people… the meat of the people walks the earth organic and open to the cosmic motions made behind the senses that appear to us as manifestations of the immediate, but our senses do more than merely monitor the state of the moment for all things beyond and within each of our selves… all states of being are as one state that we are somehow blinded from realizing because of the hidden divine light that allows for comprehending of all sides of the argument at once, the divine light shines in different ways depending upon what the person actually needs to know, and climbing the firmament takes hard work…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on December 12th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves, s for Semon.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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