‘ante’ is the cost of everything in this world that others or yourself have come to place a form of value upon at some point leading up to this current reading, and we have all “upped the ante” at one point or another to press our luck to see if we can successfully risk at a time when a speculation of success might be at its lowest, not everyone’s timing is the same no matter how long we have all been Here together with leading into who we have now seemed to fall in together with in these odd but fitting groups in the dark… together we branch and assess knowledge as a whole instead of relying solely on our justifiable reasoning to take us anywhere into the realms of action swinging around groups on their various strands of thought and roles almost as interchangeable with each other in the cosmic movement, but always more than meets the eye at first when contemplated without insight into how this thing maintains itself when the rest of us struggle to savor a view into the whirling pool of current events when they occur in the natural world as hardened into a dead reality in the now-toxic thing that resembles a media-soaked blip on the screen, to describe just how far we have pushed the limits would take many hours to give and receive accurately among us and everyone we know surely testing the limits of our knowledge absorption because no matter the amount of connection between you and i there is an area where our minds will not meet on various topics… these places are where our differences lurk waiting to expose gaps in our unity with each other through ideas that make us wish to pull away from the group mentality that leads to organization of goals and ends, this is where we are all the same except different in our approaches to living through both the good and bad times with some sanity intact throughout, and we might even have wished our lives to intersect in leaps beyond merely idolized means subset to this one particular idea of reality implemented Here before our eyes that has us caught up on the waves of an interest that makes known our condition as fish swimming against the current where the current becomes a metaphor for the ‘mainstream’ of consumer realism alive and dying today… somewhere the force forcing us into managing our lives and its repercussions fits behind in the shadow at once placing support at our backs, but also already knows what is coming next with the most cunning reflex we cannot see until it is too late as time delays itself at crucial moments even Here in a world of tangible gravity, such as at our deathbed endings and accidental destruction and mainly at points when a large portion of consciousness is invested in the events being realized right before their own eyes… we are forces unleashed and reproducing in a world that allows us to keep going until such a time that the “ante is upped” by the rest of this cosmos, which might mean an end in flames or just a collapse of the systemic dysfunction running the world today under pseudo-fascist tendencies, and no tender mercies shown from these pig whores as drawn into society by darker tides trying to twist humanity for some ulterior push to design a visible world into a different image altogether… as all agendas can intertwine Here easily sinking into a routine that equates to the genetic adaptation of the being’s particular lineage, or at least the lineage of the vessel for this personal consciousness aboard giving consciousness to the rest of the form as it functions in this reality made all the more complex by the multiples of sects all coalescing into this place to guide this civilization in a certain direction defenseless for no other reason than an unwillingness to read deeper that what may appear to be there, we are the outcome of a distilled human stock of mysterious genetic templates whose beginning is a difficult thing to quantify with all the uncertainty involved with finding answers that remain Here deeper into our own quick psyche that snaps with a wit honed over ages that humor has shadowed stood askew in tragedy when there were no gods to beg for any forgiveness… to stand anti-sect for a moment, being followers of a power does not create a whole community just as there is no community where there is no communication, but it takes realizing that a lot of people get into what they are doing now just to “make” money through abuse of their inherent dexterity of the mind… cutting what is the official story into a pleasing shape for others to understand when all is confused, it is this need for approval that we abuse when we cannot find any other doorway to open, but the fear and loneliness are temporary symptoms to the simpleton affliction…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 28th, 2011 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.