Exempt from the system.
writing for the opportunity to change the shattered television mindset in for a more appropriate skill set that will take us into the next wave of life, the numbers have been drawn from their lots, and the binary spinning coded bug varies its length of time Here with each reincarnation of idea that comes to the foreground of this infiltrated tradition… no one is ever truly exempt from the system we have Here, there are no words to use to refer to the actions which sit even beyond the fringe of reality, but this is not merely because they are something more than us while being the same thing on some strange parallel edge of this continuum plagued with humanity… the system is part of the devil’s work masked by the hands of the others who come to dread a man who names the raping of lands as work as but a few of the things he does well, the demon born sides with both the money and wealth, or else it cannot grow to live splendidly and decadent among the slaves as is thought appropriate for one your age… the psychotic conversations which say little about anything are Here as well disguised as the trivial chit-chat that might seem so swell to look at objectively, but there is no objectivity living within a human vessel, there is only this raw attitude of mass subjectivity contained behind these human eyes and senses together… to revolt against the current standard is a case to make when attacking those business tyrants crawling on the floor from being beaten like a protester with the roles becoming reversed through an outright civil war that has been going on for such a long time by now, and finance breaks down when there are no more armed guards one can pay off through paper or change in exchange for protection of the sad little world one has allowed to pass inspection, the pay then was phat enough to make out like bandits while dismissing all regard for the humanity we draw our powers of awareness and observation from… we leave the beast to become an individuated force to evoke confidence and respect for the anyone but ourselves, but easily exonerate the selfish trends in human cruelty instead as we can try to repent but the sinners aren’t real, only used as a gimmick as antagonist to force us all to pay dearly for our shame and guilt left as residual paranoid indoctrination… between nothing and hope lies the ouroboros spinning out of sight except in the imaginal margin that makes up the outer periphery of reality, these symbols can try to unlock the mystery further with their metaphysical counterpoints, but is unusual among such passive beasts as ourselves when we declare our united competence yet complain still so frequently without the requisite changing of our collective outlook on irrational stupidity… it teases to mentality almost universally that dire urge to conform to the rhythm of universal harmony that can unobtrusively impulse us all into next Tuesday, the next few numerical waves hit as they lap against the time vortex crosshatching this circuit board space filled with the opportunities that seem to move on to the next handful given the chance to invigorate through innovation, and to reclassify the jinxed into extinction by man-made frailty of luck gone frayed at the ends of nervous tension which leads to this chronic nervous condition quite critical that we find ourselves so smugly centered in like the eye of the storm… the mystery machine that leads further down the path of we know not where, but somehow the quest is always worth the experience of the ride even if the price is a high admission fee, a book will always spell out its lies to me with the words the author and still other forces have chosen for us to read… such a catastrophic offense to those not willing to separate the time and the messages, to read deeper into this other than through intuition is pure folly as many brave men fall into ruts of despair and duty willingly to change out their true cares for static clinging reality that leads to nothing in particular in the long run of it, and what a life it is that we would allow ourselves to be led without questions for those in positions of authority… what is the unerring direction of this manipulation?…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on September 27th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, e for Esemplasy..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.