last Goddamn chance.
the muse and its musics… the spheres encircling my conscious purview without the hesitating claw of purpose, it pushes the buttons that nerve and tickle at the back of the brain as the bizarre takes shape and wields this form like a human laser, going beyond the material edges gathered at the fringes… the continuity of facsimile as we retard the actual for the makeshift of a decent reality in this spaced race to further define our place Here amongst the steppe dwellers and the forest dwellers, the vegetarians and the cannibals, and all of this your fault as much as mine as we sit Here and imagine where else we will be when the time is right for us to change into a new form… the metamorphosing rhythm to the rules and each with their own authorities, each with a fool’s ransom and king’s weight in gold and jewels laughing merrily along as though no care left in this grimy discarded world, but the resources are not gone only left to recuperate while more gristle is donated to this primal factory manufacturing citizens out of nothingness… that shadowy wall that defies easy penetration by the will of humanity in its empirical blindness that clouds and defiles the minds’ assets best left hidden when behind secrets and mystery in the human periphery destined to keep people at bay with its misdirection effect preventing all but the most profound focus from seeing the occulted wisdom of centuries, and yet we seem to harm the great walls we have built as the need for their purpose dims allowing the husks of their age turn to dust and wither in reality… however, their forms always reside within the holographic mind this universe projects while Here in the cosmos contemplating the whole of all within everything else, but we are never alone whether as the people before us or after us will attest when the time comes for them as well… that “wall” of nothingness serving to force us into forgetting the trivial concerns of a prior existence when we come back through to Here in hot pursuit of wanting to learn more perhaps with an alien intent for analysis of what the human experience can entail in all of its variety and productive facets, and we commandeer a vessel to take us “ashore” into a real time display that does remain fully interactive even after we have dissolved to join with the rest in a mundane material aspect in relation to the vast array of systems at work within and around us… we might seem to take for granted this extreme choice to put together our own aspect of what reality is, but we are also taken for a ride whenever an option is chosen that makes valid one particular spectrum of inclination, whether personal professional or completely tertiary in observation makes very little difference until afterward when the next options are in place… the conundrum of this god-tested failure is not whether we are gods or believe that there has to be a god, but whether if we are going to choose worship of a force outside of ourselves thus putting our energy resource into this makeshift corporate entity that can be utilized against the collective will, or can it?… well, that depends upon if you can convince the rest of the collective will to believe in one reality through as many selves cycling the enervation back into one coalesced entity, or are we a collection of the incarnated representatives of the multitude pantheon of forces mistaken time and again as gods compelling this earth to move?… it would take an awesome amount of skill for any one individual to hatch the lock on this cylinder/ combination of the mind that we are born with, to see beyond the sheer mechanism of flesh into that sacred world underneath that represents the immortality some would choose to seek outright, but the human plight is not one so easy to subvert unless the archaic instruments of previous ages are utilized to overtake and clean-up the last of a corrupt and dirty die-nasty (dynasty) that has been tolerated of late as it collapses into the sea like the world shedding its old ‘human’ skin once the next cycle is ready to go forward…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on July 17th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, g for Galere..., my art & dreams, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.