ancient Throwbacks, worthless Tenacity.
it may seem at first, as though once you are aware of it, that there is no way beyond the mirror reflecting our actions back at us… this too is a biased version of the truth, blessed are the few that remain Here to become as gods, and recycling through the mystical meat processor one by one to seek a personal truth… the foundations to a real-time fountain of youth ever-flowing from the spark to which individual life is merited, the diverse messages all compromised together but not in some rare gesture of the god-form, and this is lest we forget that we have the ability to be benevolent to one another instead of letting our minds reside solely within that static selective comfort zone of the bourgeois… the decency frequency only seems apparent at the interval juxtaposed by a version of self far removed from this place now, the real human being somewhere between the animal body, and the ‘suprahuman’ urge to intervene only when deemed necessary by the god-urge far removed from us in one alternate to this version of the earth realm… something dark and extreme rolls down the tracks, the arms of ‘Merica marked with the glory holes stretched to reveal a tight fondness for abuse, and the masters we have allowed to lead us made good use of our fragile minds and emotions for the past four or five decades fundamentally to break down the resistance… however, they never realized that we are more than the sum of the parts, and a truly humane humanity will prevail overall as the hollow and fake fall from their prominent places in society… freedom is the crown to the tree of life, a perfect unity that provides and accepts for all pieces in its wisdom, but my belief is not that what we call ‘god’ grants us this intelligence we take for granted so easily… is what we perceive so easily deemed false?… nothing is easily marked as good or evil anymore, with so many dissected and intersecting lines and laws under auspice of cosmic finishing touches, and there are too many deities to be certain of what to worship… the beasts huddle around their campfire while the civilized groups search out the distracted wisdom to interpret the ages as accurately as they can, a divinity of sorts that are too archetypal to separate from the other many faced things in the peanut gallery Here in the darknesses, but that does not mean that it is improbable to shine a light of attention upon those qualities we find intriguing to perceive… while we quest for the answers to our various truths, there is still a world that the escapists are quick to leave behind in a furtive race to beat the doomsday clock hanging metaphorically above our heads, but we are slowed down by the majority which ruled by the minority trying its best to squish down all forms of individuation before the children become self-aware enough to learn what truth really is… the defilers and fakers trying their best not to be at the receiving end of any blame or stress that is truly their responsibility, the discretion of the masses needs to clear a bit better than at what point it is at now, but we can only rely upon each other to make that reality an eventual truth… for now, we wile away the hours and days and months and years with precious wasted time/ empty space, as we utilize intimate tactics of intimidation and irony on each other to get ahead of those proposed slow fiends on the road to nowhere, and the insults and sarcasm do nothing to insulate us from the hurtful negative strategists that lurk behind shadows working hard to overpower truth on its own home turf… the freaks and the phonies are all lined up against the wall like the rest of us Here, as the firing squad prepares to unemploy us…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on May 1st, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.