…we are running, inside the furnace of, Dreams…

…outer gods in a dense dance sans sense Here abstrusity being one of the many city-states we can enter together at any time along our shared journey generous with its splendor as its ardor this world becomes one gigantic furnace condemning every body to burning dirt or dust left to sights unbidden by the sensibilities offended of which we can only dream now imagining something greater than ourselves in command of this merry-go-round gone cryptic amusement dedicated to cruelest nostalgia as lessons filter out approved filler material to cover up genuine problems in an overwhelming excess of access suffocating stories, because there are so many details to keep track of amid persons two-faced and rendered unreliable in our narration of events Here distraught fragmented and emotional with unpronounceable variations caught on-camera off-guard to be seen extruding social consumption oblivious to the impact upon others often enough to having negative connotations mainly working through expectations greatly exaggerated attentions hanging by threads of theory stringing us along before our death as marionettes remote the view for the puppetry swing set reducing our combined resources to keep us from overthrowing these systems in place by the chaos taint never relieving the pressured dues, to the juices of existence that manifest always sloshing about inside of us ever since we stumbled from birth to life only to get thrust out of reflexive comfort zones compressing our bones slowly poisoned over creature habits and time toward the routine becoming obscene as luck gets pressed repetitive reptile nature obtaining discipline whether setting the blame upon self or scripture is left for people as individuals themselves deciding to which how much attention should be paid as gods that truly have no sway over the bold humanity that created them when oneself acts as secular mutating singular lifetime… friction of wisdom generating nothing but heat and sensation grinding away chaste beasts walking besides keeping our inner sorts chafed by fiercest desires set to surface only for those rewards bodies must move forward in order to collect or lose hope altogether selecting carefully whenever next times occur perhaps to strike while irony is hot in flattening out any wrinkled flesh critical behavior may have manifested into being Here trapped as much sensed on many levels by this meat we wear sometimes feeling of more value than the character traits buried inside barely able to get glimpses of the world, outside excerpts confusing that us into submission through eyes that see information gleaned from many sources askew though so calmly casual as to seem useless to anyone else in surveillance culture causing panic on regular basis it startles the imagination into possible exits ripping wounds in me that never heal from childhood to infirm deathbed soliloquy spent speculating what comes in moments after next consecutive sequence compared to how the rest of our lives that have been sometimes swallowing in too much misery sponging off the necessary welfare of others to readily display Here casting off and away disparate influences, fabricated by mutilating forces disguised as civilized brutal philosophy clothed as much linked in isms once any truer sense might be earned as dangling low-hung fruit biased by superficial trees whose selective forestry weeds out all the diseased parts through coercion considered into becoming fuel for whatever reasons this machine needs to carry on its assimilation of nature by human hands grasping at raw concepts much as inadequate gods trying to forge better futures than before this or could ever be absurdly predicted as reality shattering as facts perceived now with spirits ignited resisting fascist creeds that deregulate human experience…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on November 11th, 2024 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., my art & dreams, personal afflictions. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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