…closed curves of the Lemnisocracy…

…wanting to hide or cheat death or debt same beast as we build up steam contemplating our destiny as spatial awareness grows within us extracting what is required to pull forward through space feces as species floating ever toward our goals as cretinous calcification affected by managing the bottom line in order to keep the ideas of civilization going somewhere Here complexity leading to constipation or worse maybe castration or decapitation manifesting metraphysical conditions of symptoms from this carcinogenic world forcing escape upon everyone who dares wear flesh being pretentious and arrogant to obnoxious extents offending everyone and their family, densest destiny so tiny localized Here unforgiven running scared sacred from provocative proliferation of prophylactic terror dactyls in the Out There surfacing only as the cicadas after great sweeping times pass in gestation waiting extemporaneous patterns of nature percolating to potential aspects realized somehow impervious and adamant enough whose constituency believes without shadows of doubt to their certainty exhausting every possible asset to churn out proof of speculative evil natures doing us no good when the actuality of being able to acknowledge when wrong is fascinating to explore implored by curiosity citing others who decided staking lone quests into unknown, temporary autonomous zones where we can recharge and recollect fragmented peace spinning our dreams toward certainty when seeking to reciprocate the energies which inspired you in the first place magic tricks before the reveal of reality pulling down the curtain sealing our naivety in not knowing the secrets because we must want to solve it as we would with any other puzzles playing our mind in ways that change our personal patterns of thought by exposure alone tunneling through alternate theories though Schrodinger’s flux us all in the face with its observations rippling through metaphysical as much physics and perception… how we perceive thinking as wet networks of unseen and seen concepts as content connected together Here flipping doors open and closed constantly we are the ghosts haunting these machines into motion fluctuate plates of tectonic seismic shifting seizing us all by surprise as we defy our own preconceived notions in our actions under stress much as any other outside pressure put upon us singled out to take the brunt affecting our attitudes directly with consequence attached to curtail overt expenditures taking away more than is produced continuing the process of abuse looping for however many more generations to come, expressed in sequence extremity translated into various distinct points of humanity leaving their marks echoing long after initial impact is felt progressively concerned with the meaning of this collapsing of trust in others to hide in a corner or to wait out difficult conditions to escape reality that provoke calamity under wrongly applied constraining arguments agency of rude dementia static and tragic combating underlying issues never expressed why it all comes back around on us compartmentalized persons encased by their gibberish essential auras in naive defense against mortification of the kind that creeps through our distorted views of the world, compressed and collected together Here dissecting behaviors to confirm core issues detached from emotion objectifying the experiments processing contiguous to its catalysts demonstrating utility and progress accentuating the cultivation of people who are capable yet fresh enough to retain some innocence before ignorant shadows fall and we end up so restrained and self moderating victims of banality conforming us to it as universal steady anchoring the pieces in place orbiting this obituary hideaway for pirates and radicals wishing to remain aspects of free loosed in the outer wildernesses where nothing is easy amidst ambiguous difficulties trying to survive social equilibrium…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on October 8th, 2024 in critical concepts, l for Logogriph..., practical theory, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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