…tolerances from the pHarsickle…

…saints enslaved so that we can exist in places where their stories surround us with multiple layers counting on us to proceed as planned since these development phases establishing the antithetical architecture of wombs structured tombs being houses so angular and cold usually buried so deep in the dirt whatever headstone and epitaph left behind that people remain forgotten up until responsible for more than this whole site as dedicated epitaph of elegiac composure finding relief to these bothersome negative energies circulating radiant as though halos over every head can be claimed crowns as there are living heirs to this, complicated dream as sleepless dreamers in a dreamless sleep moving through time lubricated by our secretions oozing from every pore the soul pours out of dreams connected at the core epitome of stellar growth from larval creatures being human animal sanctuary for lives becoming especially rough when we least expect it to show brutality to teach a hard-earned lesson traveling depths to get Here as the radiation carries us over from ephemeral concepts conceived in meat to return decades later to this exact state again solar quest beyond seedling splitting dark soils that birth us anew though askew somehow different, from the rest of our squad adversarial supposition becoming squatters rites of passage taking up residence in this body and life savage walk-in playing roles as inconsequential as incontinental of course can be hoping for hilarity to ensue odd balls rising from the sewer when no one is around scraping the bottom of both barrels when they come to clear the rot out with fire or maggot therapy juggling too many tectonic plates vibrating spinning violently shaking us up and awake mental breakdowns away as the twitching movements enact ritual behavior too darn common to notice without looking closely Here… tales from what dark side that isn’t universal studio-type hipster chasing the pursuit of happiness casually wallowing in the states of madness trending or going viral as often corrupting our youth when we were them accepting that gift jumped in by familial plugs doing favors for another customer in order to be favored by the company when the need arises shifting sides of the spectrum optimally deluded by systems within the machine having staked claim in prolonging our existence Here as much anywhere else with our track record archived and memorialized for each individual happening to get past this threshold, once seeing night skies turn into early rays of dawn it might be easy to have interpreted planets as people who cannot be loosed are tethered whole severed from clothes slightly covering our humility rampantly indisposed to our toxic humanity consistently guided by influences from outside as much within flagellating those deeper ideas of control stress and the pressures to perform as expected or better than average only to get lost disappointing oneself as much if not worse subtracting necessary justification and seeming hysterical though certainly not in the most pleasant ways appeasing what keeps us locked in ourselves Here, contemptuous of the web of deceit created as safety net attempting to reason us through domesticated gods and monsters let loose upon the streets to meet and castrate their bestial rival/father falling to the adamant sickle of power to stave off being devoured as what later cycles of the same myths retold reveal tangential fragments that yield results to who deciphers thus trying to connect disparate dots through some strange sense of pareidolia on levels mere mortals cannot seem to channel energy only appear to cancel out logic when disbelief suspends one by prestidigitation and parlor tricks laced with drugs…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on September 9th, 2024 in backwash, h for Hwyl..., my art & dreams, personal afflictions. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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