…hapHazardous hypocrisy…
…find folkways that matter to you applied with generous neural plasticity thickly to the areas that require it in order to adequately adapt to changes as they occur Here when rifts tear open lobotomies of the soul disturbing us out of mystic routine just to worship their mechanistic gods as exclusively flawless pinnacles toward inversion perhaps of what organic messy nature presents us with in the wildernesses thus created over the ages we demonize and admire the powerful appearance of interpreting that confused view of nature and accompanying cohorts as chaos looking into forward motion fighting back collective natural forces, attempting to infest and digest unless preparations are met and finances invested to correct this invasion of nature hiring people to set up perimeters domesticating nature to some extent keeping it at bay with poisons that may poison one out of every hundred thousand of us from our water supply being suss conflated by so many sources looking to be first to break a story and willing to get the most tantalizing pieces exposed triggering attraction in some and repulsion from others seeding future conflicts unless dialogue can quash those societal missteps managed haphazardly by many materialist regimes leaving damage, motivational speaking through moralistic tendencies catch up with the perpetrator pushing their ulterior agendas through well-paid agents used as meat puppets to intentionally sabotage or dupe social mores when these folkways are ways of thinking acting and behaving in social groups which are agreed upon by the massive in units appropriate for their age and time and place in society as it evolves parallel to the advancements that humanity continues to discover or recover however the case may be true fashioned in relative issues and tissues connecting the dots as well as ourselves together familial jurisdiction raising questions of habit… and traditions considered holier than thou with so many respects given to the offenders over disregarding systemic victims for sake of covering up abuses and atrocities containing humanity in general happenstance contexts relays information passed in-between powerful conglomerations of sources melding and misinforming with fragments of detail combined amounts of opinion thrown in measuring the stakes timed offense toward collapsing functionality unless one dedicates their lives to keeping up with the latest object to become obsolete in three to five years now but plausibly like spans of attention being paid though even shorter as the future proceeds onward as planned, by many who try to devise plans for every occasion hypothetically to happen within the realms of plausibility that we tread Here carefully yet bewildered by its off-putting vastness of concept and abstract potential from which we derive so much as conscious creatures stumbling through darkness informally-dressed deceased corporeal entities wandering for a time trying to find the perfect pursuit while casually wondering what is going on observing dense flora and fauna stewing together in the social sauna of life weeping conflict out of the selfish skins of this body politic by actually pursuing the peoples’ necessity for absolute equality, alternating translations abound and are lost as quickly as they are discovered Here impermanence saturating everything through to its core with fragments of information as shattered psychic shrapnel hitting us and lingering echoes affecting stability cloudy forward motion constrained and deranged by emotional intensity reaching frenzy where most inappropriate perhaps believing in elements reversing social traditions the building of constructive communication and bonds are then triggered contradicting leads through perverse examples to provide stark contrast to the dum-dum bullet lollipops that fill our mouths with enough ammo to silence our critics so critical of other expressions not catering to themselves…
thanks, khet_:/
Posted by :\_khet on July 1st, 2024 in blogging, h for Hwyl..., my art & dreams, practical theory. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.