…psychic Prayer libido…

…where does our sexuality come from that it can absorb so much of our time and energy geared towards procreating supplies of bodies to what ends stacking odds against random survival upon pressures to succeed siphoning from the cesspool labelled society attached to elements preceding our appearance Here complicated by complex information tainted through personal opinion and experience toward inevitable corruption of ideals and compassion ethics and morality becoming buzz words what feed the need to stay relevant amidst all the eventual changes occurring usually without any hesitation but not acknowledging consequence and repercussions affecting more than merely us now, connected under the skin that coats us in nerve endings electric with sensational relays picking up on signals that maybe do not need words to carry them through these meat suits alerting this brain of ours what is going on around us even though thoughts stray further than subtle hints at social interest attraction or repulsion between individuals and objectives outstanding which we carry with all throughout our journeys Here convinced of ourselves so superior compared to anyone or anything else once our ego has taken charge leading us through whatever murky terrain we must cross in order to succeed, whether that means to you finding a mate to grow a family or pursuing your private idea of happiness makes no difference until it does such affecting the pattern of a near future as much within a larger scope of the one farther ahead of us sometimes fearing as though we shall never reach that earnestly desired plateau in our own lifetime as quantum leaps are bound to be necessary keeping our composure when exposed to bleak rhetoric dooming the civilized behaviors built up from terribly egregious low events recorded as when last we met our heroes adventuring through darkness… dark ages defined as medieval never medicinal but perhaps evident evil though it was once said ‘confusion of sign and object is original sin coeval of the word’ for what sovereign god do we pray ourselves to sleep existing in tandem with these vessels comprising humanity which continues to abuse and assault people insulting our very existence without thwarting such injustices claiming to be anything other than fragile animals is delusional the selfish deification using critical moralism as weapons more than romantic words from spasmodic poets and their semantics upon a poisonous myopia on which we all float down Here, riding the wave functions of fear out while they collapse from supposed biblical energies into cursed flesh and blood as we have been taught from the first being the confused embodiment of sign and object meaning and mannerisms causing our temporal interest to calcify and harden as we embrace an aged ignorance blatantly opposed to loosed change upon the world once known now overwhelming to show us of what we will miss as time labors onward tricked into losing an adaptable edge for banal stability safe in consumer shells paying for attention placed investing in trust being equal, though much as any intimate relationship founded before a stabilizing coherence of friendship has established can be said reasonably safely that it is doomed to failure and hurt feelings as there are too many readily-available examples in various combinations of failed relationship sailing forward unaware of the truly stormy weather yet to arrive forsaken as forsooth smacking the uncouth right out of the unwary mouth who speaks in those offensive accents of innuendo and entendre doubling over evocatively on vocal gestures of manipulation and deception laying back-handed lip service in statements denoting a glimmer of hope affairs do not end this way…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on May 8th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, p for Periclitate..., personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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