…reTahr’d-ay-shun, eschewed complication…

…gripping the wheel of asserting conscious harmony in order to write any of this stringing words together as works that make sense to some degree of reference or another positing distinct possibilities questioned by many but accepted by few in their singular secular wisdom practicing the type of practical reason one requires to make it through the bisecting of society defiantly protesting the violence that complicates the seasoning with delirium causing dissolution or insolvency of minds as they fragment psychic speculation threads on distant correlations made between that source and its elements allowing for a substantial existence in present tense, taking responsibility for the damaging done while taking self-righteous liberties that ravage ripples through timESPace convert matter to energy and back again as waves drag cosmic debris across the universal of ultimate prison caged inside of a hive mind unable to express whatever it is that makes the lessons perforate the obsessively stupid ego whom breaks this flesh in subtle ways that take patience and days to carve away like erosion coming corrosively inescapable scarring landscapes of humans trying to survive gathering in moderate groups and units to ascribe to unproven doctrines and theories allowing fools to cover their eyes, shattering belief into shards that cannot help but become other vessels to attempt containing the very visceral feral creature within sacred and scared as the world tries eliminating with narrowing directional scope so much competition as within the range of plausibility manifesting wisdom in tidbits of coded reference throughout the ages possessing us to acquire the knowledge needed to escape that feeling can being held in place tethered by essence to the menacing drift moving forward to destroy what it cannot tolerate in tandem the same shapes as heroes and villains dressed as lord and lady faced good and evil… incontrovertible proof declaring us residents of the citizenry exactly that of some terrible scenery narrating the demons’ journey occurring to us today glimpsing decay and decadence paced at the cadence of professional credibility distinct from the meandering passively-aggressive massive stroking their egos by stoking the fires of controversy signing the reckless screaming fears into bliss digests and produces waste as any other systems in place Here fascinating to watch from afar causing one to want to declare oneself as participant in the fanciful comprehension not apprehension as people are fond of calling out emotionally hemorrhagic behaviors simply vomiting random excuses, into the heavens to heave and flow with the rest of this traveling shit show gone sideways spitting biblical verses as this obverse observed in skewed and chewed up essay format perhaps more in the questionable style as sort of slab poetry written as though scrawl sprawling upon this supreme of screened in window to connected tissue issuing forth battles and cries because anger turns to sadness turns to madness so often as catalyst converting emotional baggage to avoid hemorrhage the brain dead from stresses unhealthily unhelpful no matter how stridently nice seeming we cannot be solely floating dreaming beings, embryonic brine seeking caricatures of creatures thirsty for accusation to become the worst version of oneself layered and recursive as curses become blessings as they converted over generations Here curing us as though that isn’t complicated enough travels finding the morale pursuing putrid virtues whose skin falls off in rotten chunks thoroughly vice grip clapped onto hopeful hopelessness condemning life to subvert beyond whatever label we say is this death thing that crawls from crypts and blesses us while we sleep this the zombie saint as considered so plausible to so many conservative cryptozoological flagellants while pausing any general progress…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on May 16th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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