…using the Farce…
…through situations that are highly exaggerated physical and deliberate using absurdity mocking real life in all its serious tone confusing every walk down the street for life and death lessons in probability as much the plausibility of horrible things conflicting oneself as consistently these initial remarks lack being remarkable after hearing so many similarities saturate what menacing televised predicaments we have found ourselves standing in mesmerized conformity to pass exclusionary barriers applied socially to remove various people at the whim of only a few others in particular commanding such decisions without us weighing in citing arguments against sameness or synonymy, infested by problems of incestuous collusion weaving what is considered subpar into material more palatable for others even though art demands much sacrifice in creating them farcical cycles in which as with any other vehicle delivering us to such neutral bias breaking the complications inherent in compromising situations engaged with conflicting extremes from within rather idealized into marketable sections to eliminate competition utilized as any virus or bacteria can dismantle and destroy already established structures under the skin of this general body politic exhibiting signs of infectious conscription for us all in our time as no one left behind Here, forcing ourselves to stomach this brutal inevitability that haunts as much allowing from blessings and curses to become scared by circulating rhythms of weakness and strength in others as we witness similar designs in our own behaviors attempting to overtake our sense of self unique to each of us Here wanting as much as we can get out of life while we are still living within its spheres of influence though no where near influencing others as they cause consequences for me in my situation in crippling cartography mapping emotions carrying me forward afloat but on hope not as often… onomatopoeiac duality automonosexual and cryptopsychonautical while nosferatu is backwards for god’s true name in drifting hilarity never thought to improve without improvising my feelings even if these terms seem foreign or unfamiliar if you wish to believe whatever you read and hear no matter how much it defies your natural intuition for logic and reason in connecting with any other thing you may think my wording has described subtle magic chicanery direct from beyond the brain which names itself building constructs through intellectual assessment as appropriate information contractually adapts informally luring curiosity from many directions collaborating there where actions erupt, corporate onus by cracking down upon accessible solutions because in their cracked view people are expendable vessels to fill with lies disguised as truth sometimes for causing this social allergy to question authority to do the most damage possible even when proof has been delivered that few will accept their great white hope is only hype leading to more hyper bullies in the street trying to claim a body count for themselves while continually losing respect for the systems of progress at large as though ticking doomsday clock echoes counting down in our steps pathetically crawling toward oblivion changing us, inside and out the conundrum appeals though very few actually laugh out loud choosing instead the multitude of martial reactions forcing words to contain our ridiculous meanings and contradictory misunderstandings collapsing the wave functional utilitarian by virtue of we ideally want it to be though cannot see any more when not every joke lands worse yet people get offended because there is no one simple answer to resolve these unfunny wonders of psychoholic madness so much so you will need a reefer to help ease these pains of trudging through my works as though some obscure collection of picaresque pulp…
thanks, khet_:/
Posted by :\_khet on April 23rd, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.