
…confectionery chicanery eerie beyond comprehension of these dimensions we take for granted excess access to interconnectedness and the archives of data that we are allowed to take a peek at through naive eyes and ears taking in as much as our minds will absorb though leaving loosed ends hanging from gaping wounds that weep for our existence Here much like that demonic proto-eso-terrorist whose religious cultural iconography proclaims through scattered interpretations this title as lord of lords under superstitious auspices of an incarnated god or these forces of nature in which we try to contain omnipotent being represented in living flesh imagery left questioning the veracity of such statements now, so many thousands of years from then that was this thanks to what cultural appropriation and gentrification that occurs in modern versions of ethical questions diminising when prosperity is confused with the ecstasy of population growth exploding exposing that seam running through it all more likened to lips zipped shut anonymously though in this representation of power utilizing words is heathen reasons as layers of why and what contractions and negatively-inflected weak forms are easily closed off getting used to carrion cold of night and its deliverers to this state, the quantum entanglement we all must abide by Here while floundering to find our way in vast darkness bathing in a womb-like ablyss for most of our lives without an aught until it rediscovered gets pinnacle epitome of these systems unclothing us once when we begin this journey never overtly exposing ourselves until finding some numb or comfort in such activities as searching out warmth in substance and among others seeking something similar as each an individual person with a chance of understanding should be given such opportunity more than eloquent diction waxing poetic to suspend disbelief where it counts… the mythic of proportions that leaks from the material inspired by the relatively unremarkable features defining us as simplest of creatures when it comes to recovering our purpose from the depths of multiple different directives working on us at once producing the pressures we grow weary though used to as time progresses away from and through us to finishing steps at entombed by forcing decisive death urge upon us each indiscriminately because appearing to deserve some level of punishment Here salting wounded experience to reach wisdom sometimes agonized movement parallel to the ease at which these beings come and go, ebb and flow tidal impetus with certain viral form one cannot quantify constituent parts whose temperament is not always in favor of where and how they are summoned to suffer Here mystically through living portals of mental illness as though no one knows what to do with any of this diseased dysfunction inherent to our minds and bodies curiously serious pressed to come up with answers getting caught in mind are grips onto concepts we superficially assume labels must contain all connected ideas therein though this rarely if ever happens exact to implied specifications by the manufacturer who might have produced but does not know capability, as to true extent these systems are able to evolve themselves because autonomic hive consciousness down to atomic anatomy as cells groups of subdued sentience woven through all of us Here not merely those transmission and reception aspects of signalling our continuously collected consciousness always active seeking the edges to human curiosity through exploration and experimentation as mainstream institutions of empirical observations create and reinforce patterned senses of logic and rational thought by which to suggest what parameters used are universal rules decided to function at all Here consensual agreement taking candy from babies…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on April 24th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, o for Onymy..., personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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