…growntesque Messianism…

…freaks against authoritarian intervention on the streetwise beat hustling the other sides of trivial conversation converting through trained behavior thought superior applied interests toward perfection without detecting subtle flaws in the attempts trying to organize correctly creating snarling beasts who appear in our collected fear projecting onto others extreme thresholds of anxiety triggered by social conundrums constantly tapping in rhythm through our very being setting in motion inconsistent collaborative timing to which each functions as person slightly askew that incidental synchronization evocative of a swarm intelligence perhaps underneath these meddlesome skins meshed together thanks to genetic imperatives to react instinctually, so that we are the easier to catch in our lies as the thoughts actively swimming in our heads to consent in agreement keeping those furious thoughts quiet as they impel a person to do compromising things they would otherwise choose not to do if presented with reasoned options but this implies something different about the situation as if we do not know what to do not because there isn’t enough time for us to decide rather it is that personally we have to find courage to step past whatever elements intensely weakening self perception allowing insecurity to flourish, opinion becoming soiled by absorbing negative statements flooding in to saturate intangible forces with critical interpretation subverting layers of personal achievement as weaponized hearsay forms noisy excretion of potential poisoning upon paradoxical assurance with self doubt and possibility guilt in attempting while convinced of certain failure resembling self-fulfilling prophesy collapsing that wave the trying to shape reality sploshing artistically onto the scene as though it were canvas and you were a temporary brush of bodily fluids Here whose views are expressed in a wide variety of contrasting concepts and contexts honed together then smashed to pieces many times over inside that mind space where anything is possible… living substance and spirit that has centered confident people who absolutely know what they are doing to the point that it becomes a secondary reflex with very little active thought going into any particular action enacted through repetitive circuits this way of training confronted in a circus of distractions deftly navigated to realize what oneself is capable of while Here interacting with the world around us carrying along various levels of innocence and ignorance to counterbalance precarious circumstances wherever humans can be found locally engaging in wrong attitudes on sex being surely distorted, allowing abandoned people lodged in their beliefs as those in sects to die because of shitty neopopulist politics denying acknowledged layers of significant spiritual relevance inherent in everybody as common people to promote that ideally utilitarian perspective acting as jurisdictional authority set to convince others of a gods honest truth that their weaknesses are permanent Here there is no other option left but to submit to these imposed rules in order to stay afloat upon this biased rulership sailing on through rough liquid doldrums of stagnant stillness fluctuating in transitional states as bodies wrestling with these aims torn between arguments, sacrificing superficial opinion for learned experience which some may think presumptuous and arrogant utilizing only their ignorant criticisms to judge what they have convinced themselves are techniques of their enemies to which they shun exile or make anathema in regards to zealous schisms that exist for us to trip over as details of passive menace in our paths preventing us further passage unless we volunteer to accept roles as a series of impositions taken to the Nth degree if one cannot assert themselves based upon these perimeters advanced as necessary institutional variations more or less consequentially conditioned cannon fodder consumed commercially…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on April 25th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, m for Manque.., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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