
…the damned side of seers peering into review the state of affairs Here wandering like ghosts attached to the host with the most to lose or gain depending upon which of those clever demons can proselytize the best thus getting so many more people converted into the desired energy to move the mechanism organized as any other systems in place to transmit subsequent signals throughout the worldwide international leading us to conclude that there is no future but what we make of it distinctly able to activate and manipulate motivations to become something other than to whom we consider ourselves, now fraught with chaos and mayhem that one cannot predict accurately enough to succeed over all those odds that seem stacked against us at various intervals throughout our active lives Here compelled by a variety of instincts and intuition clarifying our edged awareness sharp to the touch but barely visible at the surface level casually glimpsing the human in its grotesque glories as though alarmed at being caught doing awful things to others that humiliation and anger sets in changing an attitude that might have been placid and calm prior is now irate as an infantile adult who has breached, blood-brain barrier to reach autonomic cognizant dissonance birthing emotional tumult scaring children of the atom whose lives were planned as cells grown in labs that attack social cancers we deal with in many ways that cancel out our dysfunction being undesired ego trip dominating remains the trait from accumulated generations before the us that lives through whatever now has to offer as regarding the damage already done and preventative measures for futile symptoms of cataclysmic seismic shifts in gossip and reality and what welfare is granted to us in not taking the dangling bait switching when we least expect it… becoming something more akin to a reflex or reflection fluctuating with who we choose to be while Here continuously noting every nuance as it resembles something else lost imagining that what we want is what we can get out of this life beeping like an oversized vehicle trying to back up flabby ethical and moral platitudes finding exception in discrepancy justifying excuse for terrible behavior whenever results cannot be disputed as glorious to those individuals that think it matters as greater good that no fault perspective can be found to tell damned if you do and damned if you don’t, even if that were to high-pathetically mean slaughtering millions on the path to claiming yourself a god to justify getting what you want as singular fragile person vulnerable not unlike a failure god who leads their followers to fail by example though may not be prepared to properly serve those that serve them silently indirect interpreting everything as critical or creative philter charmed to those whose intention is to ensnare while cursed to be trapped in banality by others whom do not wish to be lured by such heinous gimmicks used to play games with their well-being and susceptible minds, passive aggression everywhere you look hidden behind eyes that glare when asked questions even simple ones that deserve to be answered to the best of one’s ability to do so easy enough to open up about yourself inside personal atrocity exhibitions ready to aim for your heart where it hurts feelings mattering as little over time as desensitization mutilates whatever human was underneath once it is revealed by the horrible gauntlet that is the dark night of the soul surmised by naive idealism presented with few other options except acceptance of what is already Here lurking just beyond the shadows…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on April 17th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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