…residual Erections ov thee dead…

…resurrection or insurrection of the damned or dead masters or monsters unleashed undiscovered potentials for something to bolster the walking living into sorting out priorities from passions as many obstacles can seem these days as though they are extensions or enhancements made to that specified declaration independently certified official specificity made manifest due to the unrelenting capacity for motion our species is accredited to ignorance taken as truth socially oblivious to any sense with words not unlike mimicry once one has accepted their muse to draw from such resources redefining the scopes of caricature twisted visages misunderstood idols of worship, even from civilizations before this perilous cesspool we have now reigning down chaos through ground level campaigns as slithering mockeries school-aged academics tease being something better than us because of the lure of lore and a love for being the narrator throughout anyone’s struggles floating back to the surface reality again as fads fade in across mortal shores in waves without a watermark to engage where the last civilization left off creating some sort of continuity record that will work for other societies after this one becomes yet another symbol or sign of the times they were when they were, not merely relevant but guiding remnants of futures past that connect together as puzzle pieces searching for each other circumflexual as much diacritical between the reckless behaviors and false saviors normalized through fallacy and malice making miscellaneous mischievous corruptions of those terms by which we allow ourselves to be governed feeding them respect and authority enough to stoke any person’s fiery ego into attempting dominance over another person or many people by dismissing their personal power potentially vicious venomous and villainous striking out and around to whoever is closest to reach with iron grip fabricated through masses made mob mentality… whipped pistol grip to hold our attention by violent means that gathers revolt as much storms gathering momentum condense tension and energy into thunder and lightning to show for the efforts of nature transpiring as universal tumult going full tilt into blazing a pathway for the future is too uncertain for those enacting plans while they can in order to solve some conflict perhaps buried deeper than others are witness as the sensitivity and sensibility surrounding us sometimes as a shroud of urine when micturition strikes to reveal how vulnerable we are through pissed jeans and wet stains removing dignity, soon replaced by fragile galaxies whom in seeking support silently condemn themselves to be viewed as weak by those who may speak loudly though say nothing of value as isolated realm of futility lurking in the moment indebted us to death as now moves faster than can keep up with let alone track detail through merely human minds whose gelatinous material is rife and riddled with impairments as various neurons fill gaps and adapt to create a network of neuroplasticity on the hopeful swing though missing could mean aspects to be accepted such as blindness to whatever distinctness disconnects one, maturation elements expose us to something we are not used to Here defending ourselves when pushed to the limits of our ability to cope with whatever mechanism houses this refuse we call a soul lodged within a body of meat and bone gristle throbbing and thieving the necessary bits and bytes to restore data to its most feral digital forms again where ideas of heaven or hell cannot be applicable anywhere that does not coincide with the relative associations of the day compelling us forward as the puppets we have been for too long allowing atrocity to recapitulate our destruction…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on March 20th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, e for Esemplasy..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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