…peaches and the breaches of jesus…

…living in a world where our personal agency is absorbed with demi-urgency as directs flawed human interpretation of immediacy as time flowing outwards with a twist of fate too similar from those of us as we are all one species on the verge of erase that starts with the gutters cycling through diminutive forms of both grammar and personal behavior as time’s well-known erosion processing can put people into parasitic parameters posing problems against each one unto another until clarity becomes certain in a management of pieces puzzled together by juxtaposition throughout this whirling dervish of mystery that we are not individually privy to as the larger picture woven tapestry looms with cosmic stars over our heads in splendid severity while questioning human integrity Here, and solving discoveries that have always been lying in wait just as we do for the right moment or timing to intrude onto the scene carousing with others who dawdle as much when ones getting things done need to give up the slack and relax because we all seem to work ourselves into debt or death whichever comes first by supposition waiting for when the shit comes down as well as the nervous anxiety warps most of society into thinking only the wrong sorts of connections before learning is observed and returned within this interdependent swirl we singularly must come to terms with uncertainty a facsimile interpreted as those patterns of chaos found in nature that we attempt to harness perfectly, no real precedent for perfection though beyond the pursuit experimental vague and multiple are these roads centered around lines that have been well-established sometimes longer than we can imagine so it may seem that no amount of sacrifice will leave an affect in an institution cumulatively constructed from almost a hecatomb’s worth of energies all colluding into these structures surrounding us Here without question… breaching the teaching universal among the massive bastions of the scholastic arts entrusted to prevent our falling short of intended purpose which is to train and advise in all manners of matter and subject with the tools necessary to advance beyond merely basics of skill and talent to reach valiant plateaus where few have dared to tread at least within the parameters of recent history recounting past glories to a younger generation yet to attain any higher states of being while trying to be there for oneself and others close to them, but ever so slowly we get drawn away by differing interpretations promulgated causing confusion where those lines have finally crossed over with one another in constellations weaving a tapestry against a map of vast distance and stars shining bright levels of radioactive evolution as particle collides with particle sometimes so explosive that it sends ripples through the continuum demonstrated without sound in sudden context as relates to us all the way back Here attempting to understand the inexplicable that drives our deeper curiosity to the point of larger conflict it would appear to remain a consistent truth time and again, looking to further one’s perspective a little bit more than novel the novice rises to the challenge to reach intermediate level in skill utilizing other terms to find a pathway through the accentuated grunts and whistles that seem to have led to the bloody mess of birth and even the freshest of us have some baggage to claim considering the amounts of bodies and fluids it would have taken to get to this place in the social cartography thus fabricated using fables myths and the many layers of script to stave off the appetites that come with technology…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on October 25th, 2023 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, h for Hwyl..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, rants & raves, Slow the Children, the esque, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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