to DySpell… a remark on the making of games

game theory is real fun for hardcore mathematicians only everyone else has to learn an alternate lesson found from all these awful bloodsports as substitutes sequentially stalking and eliminating the common kind of lemming as they defy the ones who think they know what relevant information is among the masses that freely irradiate and choose to radicalize themselves through the humbling self-sacrifice it takes to get anywhere worth going toward whether there happens to be a direct and easily referenced concept to pull the unaware from their usual ignorant state of satiety only to comfort the weak ego that dies Here by following the rigorous mortician set into place by consensus reality at its most banal and concrete of “conformi-tah” like a classically-trained professional killer running about as if a ‘semper fi’ dropout soldier of fortune popping out the bling-worthy paychecks cashed by a government lead by hear as in hearing solely easily accepted lines of indifference and swagger from a 50’s-brand spy movie where the “good” guy always wins whether actual truth checkmates that ideal into a ‘straw man’ dead shape as those arguments getting eliminated because those debate parameters are rarely made direct even between friends-turned-nemesis types of real relationships, and this is where i feel that games are an oft-overlooked source for making all our lives less heavy with human drama striking lightning bolt trauma that strangely burns as it ripples through a person as if shortest trip on the shock treatment fare to this ride in whose constant conflicting consistency makes us all vary in timed madness excerpts of the story mourning our prospect glories before the hole is even dug out of the soil as deathbed knowledge that you have finally reached an edge that alone the individual meets after the endless queue that makes us feel as though time is much slower than it really is interpreted through the mixture in conceptual pieces as in fact “subjective/objective” perceptions confusing or contradicting themselves, because once one becomes the devotee of something anything in the Out There then the belief system overrides the other natural facets of awareness that we have open access to as human beings until that too takes the form of a vestigial organ suddenly obsolete yet as an awareness frustrating as it is simple and clearly defined by the rules of the game… although because there are so many players affecting the layers of ‘funundrum’ not the stodgier-than-thou conundrum as empirical cosmological tumbler locked into place by our need for stable witness with a matter-of-fact tone to counteract as natural stains that pain us when we realize psychic wounds cannot physically heal though some of us are lucky enough to know this sooner than later via the harsh unconditional love as much like a love boat without a captain or crew just lost and lonely passengers in a scenario where mortality remains the iceberg at the end of the tunnel vision narrowed to see where focus can lead when applied with a sense of persistence to ‘press on’ as it were, a stray quotidian lure from a leader of office back when the frame “president” seemed to naturally have more oomph as a term that gave most the impression of intelligence courage and sometimes above all a healthy respect for humanity as a whole even though in the tragedy of getting “trumped” by lesser of many evils yet enough gumption to stubbornly refuse to hear any other opinion in order to retain that respect and stay better informed on current affairs without instilling a ‘zero-sum’ sensibility that corrupts and collapses now-dead branches of civilized cuckoldry as granted the people not heraldry of knights and ladies of the “endarkened” past always in the process of reform, but the final losers in this ‘game-of-games’ are the ones having no urge to reveal the dense novel miracles that have to break and shatter the memory and mirror to which we anchor ourselves as ghosts and other assorted apparitions loosed of the mortality play as it continues to flux and fade and recycle the slaughtering farce seriously captivating denizens as you or i worried…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by deaconKhet on November 8th, 2019 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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