douche Guevana
disobedient pedantics claim society as its own reserve from which to pull the human resource plucked out to dare natures caustic vibration to admit a people its’ casual vetoing power thus altering the fabric of the common sensical mind that has created something in a nauseous building up the modern day and ages ahead from a drama of dust into this likeness of nihilism and love that pervades through all sources drawn to energistic collusions that can defy or define as reason and logic in chronic cognizant functioning to replace the painful tactics with brutalitarianism of the psyche in neo-mentalism experimented with by an odd set and setting of uncoordinated messes spastically passed as thoughts can from the future for the dense practical evidence of facts and a relationship to the actual future instead of one speculated upon for centuries after the facets are compelled to the surface defeating some purposes as time reaches to proportions out of sequence with the frequencies knee-deep buried as acquired experience plundering knowledge in vital directions, but left betrayed once a blessed series of punctual techniques subvert the order as established by confounding communications sorted back and forth through the tougher solutions only possible when the condemning forces pressure our hands into movement for very little anticipation of the final master strokes divining detailed portrait form our times Here telling us all to obey through subtle and continuously subversive stresses underlying the degrees to which we are drawn into those vast expanses at the expense of the parental figures donating time and life to these homunculi that shoot throughout the bad mishaps napping to loop those now pieces into a more probably zen-styled then going with the flowing beats and rhythm of the heart tearing our soul into paper bits lost over a coarse edge of overlapping periods in time locked together as fiercely contradicting corners on that same strange funny conundrum conforming to our opinions while also an unquestioned sort of source pouring forth a lot of the stuff that comes to this feature of performance as the artifact multifaceted, the peace of art taken by the rest as a given digested elements tainted factual fractals that exist because of and for human delivery systems such as we who met on the needs of functional adults and what that phrase means in action and relation to a populace as the whole puzzle within a puzzle with layers of further puzzling matches to behaviors and patterns that describe without words the expression of so much raw information that appears to reveal itself at random by chance circuits of beings and people coalescing into a plane of subjective objectivity when the externalized actions wane into thoughtful intenalistic dynamics spinning those stories further higher into vertical spans to tickle the increasing weight of the world inside of this gravity shell well wedded to the intrinsic hold spraying in fashions similar to dire devolution of the fittest to witness the witless weakening of civilization caught in its civil lies of moral and ethical proportions taken for grey areas that do not finalize our more retarded qualities in essence calling out one at a time as the personal interactions progress as viral quantity the organic material so coveted by petty thieves and heaving artists intriguing the resting laurels lost in a system of sets limits and boundary paralyzing common senses out of any enlightening service to humanity… the music is what makes this transference possible as the problems stack and corrode sanctified graces replaced by intense thoughtful activity proactively assessing itself under the auspices of definition established by the multiple appeals to those roving band images idealized proliferated and executed by the up-and-coming surges of starlight blighted as the bequeathed dubbed and knighted lords and tyrants are spilling their bile into rivers and streams making fevers and plagues where there were none as manifest destiny lashes the whip against all of whom choose a standing up for themselves to a supine loss of orientation and collaborative communication through the greater massive obeying passively a general law taken in the form of resonating frequencies frantically-breaking down that item in human willpower attempting to release and retain itself the leaps and boundless imaginations, recreating itself from the massive combinations gestating through a nurtured perpetuity equally actively pushing its agendas as well through as many avenues of thought as become institutions built to reintegrate and research the bullshit that sticks to our collective boot heels as we filter existences through a narrow viewing window shaded into differing hues and a spectrum of colors to work with while Here statistically indicating where we got lost more than a century ago as ego still seems to reign supreme over the functional system placed with equivalent faces to greet one at the door to this perception as like a sphinx at the gates waiting to puzzle you with more pieces to put together consciously sequenced to fit by the little notches our mind can reach for as to put those stretches of the imagination to work in self-biased larger pictures drawn and stored on the cave walls, but we are not ones to be trapped in the maze no matter how high the corny odd jokes get that float around or omit credible kinds of the stories we hear as happenstance heresy affecting the care that core to our continuum requires to stay fired up about any and everything contained in this essential land of the physical temptations and conceptual art of accreditation that scholars and doctors acquire over their long slavish wages spent earning a masters’ degree or acceptable indication of one’s success in which i question such validity handed down the timeless infinite so far incapsulated within historical fact and facecious tempers in whose cess do we suck?…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on September 16th, 2017 in blogging, dark thoughts, g for Galere..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.