the shitonomous collective

who are these sad creatures among us deciding to cheat trouble stirring out in waving elements when claiming to do otherwise in their god-given wisdom though always attempting to learn a little bit better than the last time troubling feelings rose to the surface surfeiting in these people an urge to perhaps a change of attitude that seems radical at first through the thirsty lands of boredom always searching for a novel exchange of energies and of information spreading the germs of communication whose quest it is to keep moving to analyze the collected diversity abundant far and wide Here, these units of humans doing their dastardly to cajole progress from merely passive means taking over through the blunt force trauma of the reversal of flow in nature’s truth commanding pawns to murmur with rumors and gossip too flippant to be true lost among the pillars of the community whose immunity and indifference to their own foibles can utterly render this reality banal and stagnant as the marching squadrons collapse yet another civilized group of residents native to a part of the earth found guilty by the power-mongers’ forces colliding with their ache of compassion, and beginning to worm into the heart of an omission carrying out bitter fights to exorcise any peaceful agreement from within sterilizing the new meanings with a bitter end game face as the assholes take their place upon the human stages that loop and continue to craze that massive untamed madness that humanity has become with these cesspool deliveries as barren from lazy behavior as from the hollow cost made to mock the truest gift now used as cruel tool to tweak the masses from their masters in preplanned events to enslave a people unaware because all of the damage done can easily try to erase this realization from ever becoming an accidental happening… broken free the occupied seeking truth and equal claims to move through signs and banners and flags waving against a petro-chemo existence based off boys with masks factoring in the protocol of the pigs in their quest to make pockets of free thought fewer and fewer still by ceding to their government afflictions with a loyal zeal to profit as another prophet from hell to throw this crazy merry-go-round down the rabbit hole, swirling in the bowl as elitists shrug the flusher down distinctly unconcerned with the outcome of these sailors out on the seas of cess whose repressive nature is bent toward the loot and pillage for selfish reasons that make us further depraved and angry taking it out on anyone who will just give in, but we as living things step out of the molds and crevices we were born from withheld by the sheltered likenesses of a people set on stun in first world lands of no fun counteracting the balance created ages ago as before a flesh became this real intense machine managed by futile authorities to which we have become accustomed to in attempting to override the signals clashing with symbols as patterns used in maintaining this…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on February 6th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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