let’s get whorganizized..!

imposing standards in whose pretense torture is justified no matter whether this is from the lowliest beings who attack upon the planet itself as the shared shelter built for all and any coming in from these stars amongst us trying to participate in our ‘reign-dear’ games made and played to appease the gods we cannot see though they are witness to us trying to make the most of the given situation to which we bleed for an animal sin as signs along those neutral pathways onto enlightenment that exist between Here and there in this mythic elsewhere sitting just parallel to whatever we might see as everyday, it is we as these beings who are now calling out to these deities as if they were ancient phantoms or apparitions or ghosts but own no truer explanation beyond these words as if they are creeping out of personal choices made for things as they are to which this reality may or may not comply in these turns of fate made future of fortune for time is in those choices knowing as though having been through this routine cycle of shedding skins of the many witnesses before within a few other forms up until now processed perception of personal truths by many a various loophole this system has embedded deep within whose roles begin as being to move these creatures one at a time through the cosmic colon, or toward attaining the stained status as leader in the puppet string theory of modern day polititricks learned by the white banal privilege of a Mankind still attempting to drain all sweet innocence into some commodified cultish by-product to be shipped and exploited without any single thread of compassion in the business of progression previewing the intents of a civilization trying to defend its position as superpower amidst a multitude of attitudes all vying as authority that only intrude upon this sequence of grandiose behaviors… moot moments left in suspense suspended in soluble conclusions to whittle these excuses down to the barest essential half-truths in which to use the system to foster a series of people trained and examined and tested to their natural limits clashing against the claptrap spoken as hollow versions of forgiveness and equality seeming charitable though this is yet the thinnest veil to be exposed by a harsh wind of criticism, in whose grips most of civilization is harvested to be claimed the best of the best of these animal concern and consideration conforming to the standards of that vicious vulture of culture crawling and trolling the byways and highways of this new digital world as disordered for the purpose of shifting loyalties between finite opinions as much resources and further testing of what few boundaries we have left, and this is a trying attempt to bear the burden when all pressure lingering and pushing upon humanity’s jerks and heaves as a universe of germs that stir the souls inside of these gross human bodies with drifting attitudes and opinions awash in the moods and senses of transcendent space inside a living computer…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 23rd, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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