
what is eating us, that transfers these soft tissues into malignant tumor or rumored absolute oblivion as i sift Here through such empty vessels like negatively-charged ions through space turning this carcass into a mass of insectile hive-minded organic machines floating estranged as they breakdown irradiating this ground underneath us as the disgusting gigantic creatures lost in conquering games of reclamation to take to yet another level where human beings are truly cognizant of their interaction with the universe, and not subject to the throttling whims of the greater paradigm we are within vindictive destructive behaviors bred for war and the military-industrial complex complicating our collective sands shifting as time is slipping away escaping us as we each become absorbed in defining our separate missions whether villains or supposed heroes-to-be?… as trigger always fingered sweaty with the metal stinking from all of the rot poured forth by the oils of our nervous dirty feelings washing out through the skin wrapped tight like a suit should be for our kind of astronaut disgracing the fetal atmosphere around us as we are grasping with the reasons why we were ever brought Here when it doesn’t always work out for the best while in this fearsome creature clawing at sense as though everything were made from that as a substance, is something to look forward to with all of the confusion and chaos rejecting orders tenaciously used to a fault to translate intellectual energy into that which becomes a cliche and is dismissed for not remaining up-to-date with the rest of this spinning cohesive camouflage that this cosmos will not allow us to be a witness to in the full range of that universe keeping us in cheque with all this pressure crushing us to the ground gearing us up for death and that tragic wasted youth that fuels this plunge forward, and yet the cannibals will not relent in their restless assaulting upon the senses attempting to take control of our brains from the inside as insidious viral tines poking through the mental layers to peel back social filters and the personality traits in order to subdue the soul within while scraping the human meat from these bones we have grown into not least of which is this our life dissecting the teasing images of a happiness best left to those that can achieve it though given the impression that anyone can reach this goal with enough determination that nothing can stop one no matter the obstacle in seeking to prove ourselves as truth the most righteous animal of these other fellow critters roaming around swiftly picking up pieces that were never theirs while sharing with religious fervor an overwhelming message the reverse of actual words toward peace in a genuine fashion show for compassion and careful planning as all the more a growing want for equal treatment in this world or this life for that matter prevails as loftiest goal for the humanity in need of cohesion without the blood and gore better left for other instances of expression made to tempt the massive into violent panic and frenzies of animal restlessness that carries the archetypes forward…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on October 11th, 2015 in blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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