pica-SO pig asshole

we seem unable to devour properly to digest well pieces of the inhabitants we cherish through the simple memories carried forward without paying such acute attention to the horrible details that seem to rise up as the circumstance predicts and affixes on our atrocious groping for words to hang us on as a length of our own hope like the noose woven of our own ignorant behaviors repeating when we misunderstand and totally miss the point of this emotional exchange as the negatives outweigh the valued pains taken to arrange and define an idea of common sense at the expense of others who attempt to take us for our word, trust lost in the out there measuring this neverland setting stung by the visceral missile warfare omniscience trying to condense our reality into a function that carve pieces out from those dark matters that be to shape them into sections of dark energy quantified by those powers that choose to be saint to our sinners faking their versions of a real winner to offset the real value of freedoms allowed as rights to the human contingent forced to choose limited options instead, and the betterment of a Mankind so cruel to the humanity in choosing not to follow these biased conclusions lost inside complexities of logic managed by such organic mechanisms pushing through the breach of a limited perspective with only a few pieces left to guide us each to an end as ourselves asking if it means we have reached the end to our collective journey Here overwhelmed by all the objects as lingering in this objectionable place… craving to eat dust like a comfort food easing hurt felt smoothed through physical vessels uncomplicated in the stretching image of a nation whose obesity is a beast conceived of as nightmare by those enemies in the state of this farce lazily barking into our faces for us to see without evading the harsh sequence of events as they collectively recede from our memories in the processing encounters rhythmically changing their serial motives as reserved and deliberately overgrown before these unique human constraints as we have, soon taken for all they are worth when deliberate scheming revolves like the chambers of a pistol rotating those various rounds into place getting so fired up from out of that cannon corrupted by a will and intent and distrust burning a vile disgust in bloody holes out through swirling deadly urges behind septic eyes and minds casting out demons exorcised in moments of weaknesses as hot bullets jettison through gutting a bilious excuse of life as fiery trails leaving hollow cavities profuse with all gore thrown around displayed, and these stirring conclusions viewed as just any story could be construed to be true in some ways along the fictional becoming realms of truth as humans subdue each other frenzied by a glimpse at the creatures underneath the consciousness we seem to take to be granted as miseries…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on September 13th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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