the night showers…

those grotesque blues in a haze of blissful repose… so I chose to get my teeth fixed after years of supposed tormentia like a sinus infection, rotting 3rd molars, and a general lack of proper hygiene for my mouth…
first, the teeth were cleaned….. rotten-teeth1

oh, but wait, I am forgetting a large chunk of time… due to the poking and prompting and care of another human being, I saw a doctor about my sinus infection, and was prescribed a few things to take care of the situation… such as flonase and antibiotics… after a short pause, the problem became an afterthought, and soon receded into the memory… however, my teeth were still in a fairly awkward condition, but I was more than comfortable to avoid that conversation long enough… with a direct insistence to keep myself healthy, and a good dose of courage, I went to get the teeth fixed at a dental college… it would cost me less than going to a private dentist, and was also sold to me because of the learning experience for a new dentist on the way… after a while, and some prodding, the college was contacted by me, and appointments were made as I would sometimes call from work… speaking of work, missing lots of it can equal a very reduced paycheck, and happens to be the case this particular pay period… that is what occurs when a person needs to take care of themselves after too many years of not trying hard enough, so this is the way it is for me now, and I am doing it all for myself for a change instead of slacking off for no reason… so the cleaning was finished a couple of months ago, and now I am working with a dental student to figure out what work I need done, so far it is four extractions for my “upper” and lower third molars… my “upper” molars are really just roots without actual tooth, that part shattered and fell apart, and the nerves happen to be dead as well which does have the ‘pro’ of not being painful… the lower ones will be extracted to reduce pressure, and to just make it easier to clean my teeth better, which leads me to the fillings… these will be a proposed combination between amalgam and composite fillings, the more aesthetic ones to the front while the others will be to the back, and more cavities than I expected at first… however, I knew that it would all catch up to me sooner or later, and so I walk forward into my wheel of destiny… the total so far seems like a little less than two hundred dollars, but I still happen to be in a period of reassessment, then there is another cleaning for maintenance purposes… the reason for the title of this post is because I am taking showers later at night to insure that I can wake up and leave much quicker, but the results are vague at best as yet… in the next week I should have some idea of what exactly is going to happen, and then I can gauge the cost against my work days, we shall see…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on September 15th, 2009 in khet's coroner, n for Nescience..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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